The two languages, English and Chinese, have different tendencies in the static and the dynamic. English prefers the static words, which reflect in the fact that abstract nouns are frequently treated as subjects, and clauses and prep phrases are substantially applied in English. On the other side, Chinese likes to use verbs.
Therefore, in translation we need to verbalize many English expressions so as to meet the Chinese readers’ demand.
1. Automation involves a detailed and continuous knowledge of functioning of the machine system, so that the best corrective actions can be applied immediately when they become necessary.
Version 1:自动化涉及详细而又持续的有关机器运作方面的知识,以便需要时可以采取最正确的行动。
Version 2:自动化要求经常性去详细了解机器系统的操作,以便一旦必要时,能立即采取最佳校正措施。
Analysis: “knowledge” is a static word in English, but it is also modified by continuous and functioning. So the translation should be a verb “了解”.
2. The sight of those fields of stubble and turnips, now his own, gave him many secret joys.
Version 1:田野里都属于他的萝卜、麦秆的景色给了他许多暗喜。
Version 2:看着四周的田野,有的种着萝卜,有的留着残余的麦秆,如今都成了自己的财产,他心里暗暗得意。
3. Rebecca’s wit, cleverness, and flippancy made her speedily the vogue in London among a certain class.
Version 1:李蓓佳的机智、聪明和油嘴滑舌使她很快就在伦敦的一群人中走俏。
#Version 2:李蓓佳人又聪明,口角又俏皮,喜欢油嘴滑舌说笑话,在伦敦自有一等人捧她,立刻就成了这些人里面的尖儿。
Analysis: Three nouns vividly present Rebecca’s character. If we choose to translate them into corresponding nouns in Chinese, it would totally lose the asthetic feelings. But the Version 2 can be called classic.