1. Intended mistranslation and Incomplete/Missed Translation
Intended mistranslation or leakage translation is a strategy of exerting translator’s creativity by omitting some words or phrases, which are necessary in ST but redundant in TT. This strategy shows translator’s subjectivity, aiming to coincide with the grammatical rules and special ways of expression of target readers, so as to introduce some fresh concepts, new thoughts and particular cultural content.
E.g. “I kept it from her arter I heard on it,” said Mr. Peggotty, “going on nigh a year. We was living then in s solitary place, but among the beautifullest trees, and with the roses a-covering our Bein to the roof…”
翻译:“起那时俺听了消息后,”辟果提先生说:“瞒着她快一年了。俺们那时呆的地方挺背,前后八方的树林子说不出的最漂亮,屋顶尽是蔷薇花儿……”(“arter”,“we was living” and “beautifullest” are apparently incorrect in English as the result of the low educated level of the speaker . This kind of “incorrect words” appears frequently in English novels.)
翻译:I don’t know how many days I have been given to spend, but I do feel my hands are getting empty. (‘they’ is a pronoun used to represent specific persons or objects .But in Rush written by zhu ziqing, as ‘they’ is a pronoun without a specific representation, so it is better to avoid the translation of ‘they’.)
2. Extension in translation
Extension refers to a translation strategy of adding some words, phrases or sentences, in order to express the meaning of the original more accurately, due to the distinct differences of moods of thinking, language habits and ways of expression between English and Chinese. Compared with intended mistranslation, missed translation and personalized translation, the strategy of extension in translation could be widely regarded as the best approach to fully reveal the creativity of translators, also as most direct but riskful method to amplify the translator’s creativity.
E.g. The difference between me and these daughters was that they saw me, because of my sex, as destined from birth to become like their fathers, and therefore as an enemy to their desires.(S.R. Sanders: “women and men”)
E.g. His discourse, says Speidel, “became lost in fantastic digression.”
翻译:斯派达尔后来说,希特勒的谈话“越说越远,越说越离奇,最后不知说到哪里去了。”(Only five words of the ST“became lost in fantastic digression” are translated into three independent components which are composed of 19 Chinese characters, three commas; and go forward one by one with a progressive meaning. Although, the translator has extended the meaning in the target further than that in the original , the extension is still around the author’s original intention.)