当日低价酒店预订服务 HotelTonight 正在其 Android app 上酝酿两项新功能: “Express Check-In” (超快速登记入住)和 “Keyless Entry”(不用钥匙即可解锁房门),HotelTonight 认为这两项功能代表了人们未来的酒店入住方式。
The current cheap hotel reservation service provider HotelTonight is measuring two new features on its Android app: “Express Check-In” (superfast check-in) and “Keyless Entry” (unlocking the room without keys), which HotelTonight considers as the hotel check-in ways in the future.
“Express Check-In” 功能可以让用户在预订酒店后,收到及时的入住提醒——一旦房间被收拾打扫完成,用户可以入住时,HotelTonight 就会通过 app 推送提醒消息,届时用户只要到前台拿上房间钥匙就能上楼入住,不再需要耗时在办理麻烦的登记手续上。
“Express Check-in” feature allows users to receive timely check-in reminders after reserving the hotel-once the room is cleaned to be ready for users to check in, HotelTonight will push reminding information via the app, after which users only need to go to the front desk to pick up their keys and check in upstairs, and no longer spend time on the cumbersome check-in process.
第二项功能“Keyless Entry”则可以让“拿钥匙开房门”这步都省了——用户只需要用 Android 手机的 NFC 功能就可以感应解锁房门(Brivo Labs 提供这种 API)。
The second feature “Keyless Entry” allows users to unlock their hotel rooms with NFC capabilities on the Android mobile phones and an API provided by Brivo Labs instead of using keys to unlock the room.
目前 HotelTonight 正在几家酒店小范围内测这两项功能,但尚未确定具体推出的日期。另外,HotelTonight 的新版 Android app 还深度整合了 Google Place 和 Google Now,用户可以预先查看酒店 360° 的全景图,并且用 Google Now 来进行预订和支付。
Currently, HotelTonight is piloting the two features in several hotels, but the specific launching timeline is not confirmed. In addition, the latest version of HotelTonight’s Android app features deep integration with Google Place and Google Now. Thus users can explore the 360-degree images of the hotel in advance and make booking and payment with Google Now.
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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