Phonetic Last Name
Post Code
Billing Info
Open the Settings app on your iOS device and tap iCloud.
Tap Account.
Tap your current plan, then choose Downgrade Options and follow the prompts.
To keep your current iCloud storage plan:
Open the Settings app on your iOS device and tap iCloud.
Tap Account.
Tap Payment Information and follow the prompts.
To update your payment information:
You can also manage your payment information on a Mac or PC.
As requested, your @@oldQuotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB storage plan has been canceled as of today and we will no longer charge your credit card.
Read Also: TRADOS _ Translation Memory
How We Bill You
There is a problem with your iCloud storage plan. As requested, your storage will be downgraded to @@quotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB on @@renewalDate@@. However, you are currently using more than @@quotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB.
To avoid this, you can delete email messages or use the iCloud Storage & Backup settings on your iOS device to free up space. You can also cancel your request to downgrade and keep your current storage plan instead.
Automatically Renews:
Estimated Tax:
If you are currently using more than @@freeQuotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB of storage and we cannot charge you for your current storage plan, your service will be affected. Your iOS devices will no longer back up or save new data to iCloud and you will no longer receive new messages sent to your me.com email address.
If you are currently using more than 5 GB of storage and we cannot charge you for your current plan, your service will be affected. Your iOS devices will no longer back up or save new data to iCloud and you will no longer receive new messages sent to your me.com email address.
Enter your password and click Buy to confirm your purchase.
Phonetic Last Name
Purchase cannot be completed.
Payment information is required.
在您的 iOS 裝置中打開設置應用程式並打開 iCloud。
請按以下步驟保存您當前 iCloud 的存儲計劃:
在您的 iOS 裝置中打開設置應用程式並打開 iCloud。
您亦可透過 Mac 或 PC 管理您的付款資訊。
應您的要求,我們從今日起將撤銷您的 @@oldQuotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB 存
這個問題與您的 iCloud 存儲計劃有關。應您的要求,您在@@renewalDate@@的存儲空間將下調至@@quotaPlanInGigabytes@@。然而,您目前使用的空間已經超出@@quotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB。
為避免出現這種情況,您可以刪除電子郵件,或在您的 iOS 裝置中進行 iCloud Storage & Backup 設置,從而使用免費空間。您也可以取消下調空間的要求,保留現有的存儲計劃。
倘若您當前使用的存儲空間已超出@@freeQuotaPlanInGigabytes@@ GB,而我們無法就您當前的存儲計劃向您收費,這將會影響您所享受的服務。您的 iOS 裝置將不再受支持,或無法再向 iCloud 保存新數據,並且您將無法接收任何發送到您的 me.com 電子郵件地址的新信息。
倘若您當前使用的存儲空間已超出 5 GB ,而我們無法就您當前的存儲計劃向您收費,這將會影響您所享受的服務。您的 iOS 裝置將不再受支持,或無法再向 iCloud 保存新數據,並且您將無法接收任何發送到您的 me.com 電子郵件地址的新信息。