TRADOS is the market leading computer assisted translation software, the name comes from 3 English words, that is Translation, documentation and Software, “TRA” these three letters come from “Translation”;”DO” these two letters come from “Documentation” and “S” this letter come from “Software”.

And then putting them together is “TRODOS”. It is a meaningful name that we can associate the characteristics function and uses of Trados through this kind of combining letters.

It provides translation memory and terminology management which are very useful for translator and project management.

The translation memory(TM) format of Trados is SDLTM.

When creating a new translation memory, Trados will create a database file which has recorded all the translation unites. Also, the translation memory will stores structural and context information to link all the different segment and their position in a document which allows the tool to select the most relevant translation memory segment.

It will save a lot of work for the translator, when the translation memory been using on the content for a period time.

Translation memory is suitable for technological document and articles with a specific terminology perfectly, the main advantages including:

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1, To ensure that documents been translated completely (translation memory does not accept the memory segment in the target language without data)

2, To ensure the consistency of the translation including common definitions, grammar, wording, and terminology. It is very important and useful for more than one translator to working together on one project or document.

3,To make translation job easier for the translator, they don’t need to handle many different formats of files, but only using the formats with translation memory software provided to do translation.

4. To make the translation speed faster, that is the software has the memory of previous translated material,for the repeated words, the translator only needs to translate the word when the word appears in the first time, after that the translation of the word is recorded in the TM, by the following times, the translation can be obtained from the TM, so the translator don’t need to waste time dong repetitious work.

5.To reduce the cost of long-term translation projects, take User’s guide translation as an example, the repeated words like “warming”, such a large number of repeated text can be reusing after being translated in the first time
The representative translation memory software:

Trados, SDLX, Dejavu, Star, IBM Translation Manager

As a project manager, I have to use different software which assists me to meet all kinds of requirement of client.

For some long-term project which needs to maintain the consistency and accuracy throughout the project, we should familiar with some CAT tools, because CAT tools help us to maintain translation memories and use previously translated sentences/phrases/words. They also save lot of time as previously translated sentence need not to be translated again.

If we want to use the content of we have completed as reference, we must create a Translation Memory (TM) and so that we can keep the consistency in the terminology of long-term project. It is an important path for implementing the resource among the translator. If all translators will be loaded in the same memory, we can achieve keep the consistency in the terminology of long-term project.

So when we completed a translation, we need to save not only the delivery document but also a TM.

How to create a TM ?

Below is a brief instructional on how to build a TM from different kinds of files.

1.Creating a TM from a Tab Delimited File

2.Creating a TM from doc file

3.Creating a TM from Excel

4.Creating a TM with WinAlign

Here I will introduce you to create a TM from doc file first.

Creating a TM from doc file is the most common use and easy way to create a TM.

1. All programs > SDL International > SDL Trados 2007 > Trados

2. Open the Translator’s Workbanch.

3. Select File> New, then there will be a “Create Translation Memory box” as a popup window , you just need to chose the correct language pair here, for example, if language pair is EN-ZH, you just need to chose English(United states) in the Source language box and Chinese(PRC) in the Target language box, then click “Create”. Fill in the correct TM name, maybe you can name TM with the project name, and chose the suitable storage location, when finishing all these setting , you can click “save”.

4. Select Tools> Clean up, add the bilingual file, and please remember to chose “Update TM” then you can click “Clean up”, now a new TM has been created!

Now you can create a TM by yourself!

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