3. Appropriately paraphrase the text.
Sometimes it is unsuitable to translate the text word by word, even though the word for word translation can embody the true meaning of the text.
For example:
Example 1
Source: XXXX strengthens management team
Translation: XXXX 强化管理团队建设
The above translation is almost literal translation and absolutely correct, but correct translation is not enough for marketing materials. The client may not feel satisfy with such insipid expression. Therefore, we should paraphrase the text and make the expression more powerful. The revised one is:
“XXXX 如虎添翼 网罗精英管理人才”
Example 2
Source: xx will oversee strategic Human Resources planning and establish and align HR systems to help xxxx hire and retain top talents and ensure its workforce is united, motivated, and committed to its client-focused culture.
Translation: xx 女士将负责战略性人力资源规划工作,建立和调整人力资源体系,以帮助 xxxx 招募并留住顶尖人才,同时确保员工团结一致,积极进取,并致力于遵循以客户为本的企业文化。
The above translation is also translated correctly against the source text, but still not up to standard due to less marketing impact. The translation should be reworded to conform with the marketing requirements, so the revised one is:
“Xx 女士负责人力资源规划工作。她将统筹人力资源体系,帮助 xxxx 网罗顶尖人才,同时确保团队的员工团结一致、积极进取、使“以客户为本”的企业文化得到贯彻和实现。”
In a word, only accurate translation is not everything for marketing materials. We should make the translation read as attractive and impressive as the source text.
Read Also: Effective Marketing Tools in Translation Business