Object color word itself has Prominent color, its name not only represents the object, but also alleged a color, this kind of words are called object color words. Object color words can make our language more specific and accurate, vivid.
They can describe the different colors of light and dark, bright or gloomy, which the basic color words can hardly do, as a result, the use of object color words are higher than those of basic color.
In terms of quantity, object color words are farmore than the basic color words. Most of the object color words in English can be found in Chinese terms.
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For instance:
Rosy( 玫瑰)–淡红色
Jade (翡翠)–绿色
Pearl (珍珠)–灰白色
Sand(沙) –土黄色
Vermilion (朱砂)–朱红色
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However, on the terms of symbolic and associate senses, the object color words in English and Chinese are not extractly the same with each other.
Such as “peony” in English, its associate sense is “fullness” (plump), and “Peony” (牡丹)in Chinese, its symbolic sense is “rich.”
However, the two languages of English and Chinese have commons in the compound words of basic color words and object color words. For example: snow-white, blood-red, purple- and- gold, vermilion-and-gold;玫瑰红,金黄,铁青,银白.
To show the vivid world in the original text, translator has to try hard to be accurate and seriously indeed in using different kinds of color words, so that the readers have the feeling of being in the world of the text by themselves and can see or imagine clearly the colors of the objects.
When encountering the situations that no reflect vocabulary can express what the original text means or different cultures become an obstacle in readers’ understanding, translator should adopt a flexible countermeasure to make the original and the translation coordinate, so that readers can really understand the original story and the mood invented by different colords.
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