In our lives it is important to have objectives so when you have reached them you can say you have some achievements. Think about when you were younger, and your ambitions. Maybe you wanted to become a doctor, so you studied hard, and you finally became a doctor. Perhaps you wanted to have a house with a big garden.
Can you remember the day you fulfilled this dream? These are personal achievements and they give you the feeling of self-satisfaction, confidence, and happiness. Let us now take a look at your work achievements. When you have achievement at work it means that you are working towards goals normally set by others, but they can be set by yourself, too.
Perhaps you have to reach a sales target, or you need to complete a project within a deadline, or perhaps you need to see clients or customers and help them in some way. If you succeed in helping them, or you reach your target, or you complete your project by the deadline, you have examples of achievements. Striving for achievements shows determination and tenacity.
If there is a goal which seems difficult to achieve, don’t give up easily. If you can understand your goal and work towards it this will show that you have the potential to achieve. You need to be able to face obstacles and be determined enough to meet targets. Think about a time where you have had to take “no” for an answer, did you just accept it? Don’t just accept it, find out why the answer is “no”.
Also ask for feedbacks as this can give you an indication of how you are doing. You could compare this to learning a language, for example, if you find some grammar difficult you can always ask your teacher for feedback on your exercises. You can apply this rule to the workplace as well and if you are not sure of how you are progressing, ask!
Our world is changing so fast, there are two words which come to my mind: change and speed. The world is changing and it is changing at increasing speed.
Since we are now living in that kind of world, I once thought that the most important skill is the ability to learn quickly. Of course it contains truth: to be able to keep up with this world we need to learn quickly. This way we can quickly adapt to new changes whenever they occur.
But later I thought that the ability to learn quickly alone is not enough. The world is changing so fast that even those who can learn quickly may not be able to keep up. There’s one more thing required: the ability to choose what to learn. This way we won’t waste our time learning something which is not useful.
We learn only those things which are the most effective for us. The number of new things to learn is huge that choosing which one to learn becomes increasingly difficult. Mastering the art of choosing what to learn is valuable because it will save our time – not to say our entire career.
So to summarize, I think this is the most important skill we need to have: the ability to choose what to learn and to learn them quickly. If we master this skill, we will be ready to face whatever new waves coming in our way.
Sometimes, maybe we will feel distressful because of all kind of challenges, We all had long months of overtime, sleepless nights, terribly high stress level and very high responsibility pressure. We were carrying the burden of high expectations and the fear of failure on our shoulders. As a result, once in a while, one of us was losing control and breaking into tears with no particular reason.
Of course, this was an exceptional period. But even in normal working days there are many annoying moments, stressful situations and problems waiting for your solutions. It’s a challenge to keep your high spirit and stay sane in stressful working days.
In this situation, we should know how to relieve, I think firstly Make a to do list – Yes, lists are very important. They help you visualize how much work you have for the day as well as not forget anything. Having your work volume right in front of you will help you implement effective time management.
Do the most irritating things first – choose the most depressing things from your to do list and do them first. While you have energy you will cope with them easier and you will have less stressful tasks for the rest of the day.
Don’t accumulate unanswered emails – make sure you reply to emails as they come. Have it as an ongoing thing in between tasks. That will help you avoid the “email duty” before you leave work for home.