Fuzzy match is quite common when dealing with localization project. Using translation tools, such as Trados, we can show similar sentences in our translation memory, to simplify translation workload and ensure consistency as well. Its original intension is good; but now, it is paved with good intentions.
Some translators who focus on speed process translation materials too fast to neglect fuzzy matches. Once they see the existing translation appear in translation memory, they just run through into the next sentence, regardless of whether it is 100% match sentences. In this way, many fuzzy matched sentences are translated into similar but yet inaccurate or even opposite meanings.
New source: Press and hold the Load % / Detergent % button in until the following message appears in the display.
Fuzzy matched source: Press and hold the Load % button in until the following message appears in the display
Fuzzy matched translation in TM: 按住「Load %」(衣物量百分比)按鈕,直至顯示屏中顯示下列訊息
Correct translation: 按住「Load % / Detergent %」(衣物量百分比 / 洗衣劑百分比)按鈕,直至顯示屏中顯示下列訊息
New source: The washer-dryer will switch off automatically 15 minutes after the end of the anti-crease phase.
Fuzzy matched source: The washer will switch off automatically 15 minutes after the end of the anti-crease phase.
Fuzzy matched translation in TM: 防皺階段結束 15 分鐘後,洗衣機將自動關閉。
Correct translation: 防皺階段結束 15 分鐘後,洗衣乾衣機將自動關閉。
New source: Features that can be set by pressing the <:cs “Buttons01” 2>d<:/cs> button (<:xr “A67” 33>):
Fuzzy matched source: Features that can be set by pressing the <:cs “Buttons01” 2>d<:/cs> button:
Fuzzy matched translation in TM: 可透過按 <:cs “Buttons01” 2>d<:/cs> 按鍵設定的功能︰
Correct translation: 可透過按 <:cs “Buttons01” 2>d<:/cs> 按鍵 (<:xr “A67” 33>) 設定的功能︰
New source: Press the multi-selector <:cs “Buttons01” 2>J<:/cs> or <:cs “Buttons01” 2>K<:/cs> to select the desired effect.<:iaf 22>
Fuzzy matched source: Press the rotary multi selector <:cs “Buttons” 2>J<:/cs> or <:cs “Buttons” 2>K<:/cs> to select the desired picture.
Fuzzy matched translation in TM: 按旋轉式多重選擇器 <:cs “Buttons” 2>J<:/cs> 或 <:cs “Buttons” 2>K<:/cs> 選擇需要的照片。
Correct translation: 按多重選擇器 <:cs “Buttons01” 2>J<:/cs> 或 <:cs “Buttons01” 2>K<:/cs> 選擇需要的效果。<:iaf 22>
From the above examples we can see, fuzzy matched sentences is really a big trap when dealing with localization works. If translators neglect fuzzy matches, it will put extra pressure on editors. If editors miss fuzzy matches either, our delivery may be embodies with stupid mistakes.
So, everyone should pay special attention to fuzzy matched sentences. If you do not see 100% matched in translation memory, please see it clearly. Is there any words and phrases different? Do tags match exactly? Anyway, quality is the first and most.