With regard to the question that what are the three most important equipment in a set of smart home system, I believe there will be various answers but the combination of smart phone, TV and router may be the first choice of most people.
You may find out that these three hardware products are similar in many ways: high threshold for manufacturing, high customer viscosity, difficult to plagiarize & reproduce, etc. Although, these seem to be “tough”, but we have to say, these also are opportunities for major mobile Internet companies to step into the smart home market.
In China, Xiaomi is the leader in these “smart product” lines for the time being. The release of Mi Router bundles it with smart phone and television, which you can consider as an orderly integration of these three products through adaptive programs by Xiaomi, and whether the smart phone or the television can work well and conveniently with the router.
在之前 36 氪对小米路由器产品负责人唐沐的专访中,他认为开放底层平台、提升用户体验和打通线上电商是小米路由器的核心思路。在智能路由器这件事上,以开放的心态做底层才是最重要的。也就是说,小米希望借助智能手机与路由器开始控制家中的其他智能硬件,这样可以将分门别类的 App 全部集中到小米路由器的应用中来。
In the exclusive interview with 36kr.com, Tang Mu, the leader in charge of Mi Router, said he considered the opening of underlying platform, increasing of user experience and break-through of online E-commerce companies were the core concept of Mi Router. In case of intelligent router, developing the underlying platform with an open-minded attitude is of the greatest importance. That’s to say, Xiaomi expects to control other intelligent hardware in user’s home with smart phones and routers, through which various kinds of Apps can be integrated into the application of Mi Router.
Although Xiaomi will cooperate with household appliances manufacturers, with its smart phones (as the mobile terminal) and televisions (as the home entertainment terminal), it seizes the right of control and don’t forget, it also has the router.
Now let’s look at the Letv. If Xiaomi’s router is its weight to control smart home, the content and television are Letv’s weapons to occupy the living room.
别看 2014 年还未过半,但截至目前乐视已经发布了四款智能电视新品。在这当中,Max 70 主打顶配大屏,X50 Air 是一款 4K 产品,这周刚刚发布的 S40 Air 和 S50 Air 更是以低价“俘获民心”。
In less than half a year of 2014, Letv so far has released four new smart TVs. Among those, Max 70 hits the top with a large screen, X50 Air is a product with 4K, and S40 Air and S50 launched this week attract customers with their low prices.
It is no secret that Letv has made smart phones, but before its release, it urgently needs a product, like a smart phone, to seize the market as much as possible. With its advantages and accumulation in contents, the smart TV has come first.
What you may not know is that Letv has been sparing no efforts in making smart routers and speakers. In my view, smart TV is just a relatively mature product line in Letv, but this product is not as important as smart phones and routers in families.
在今年第三季度,国内可能会出现第二家在手机、电视和路由器上均实现智能的移动互联网公司。不过乐视可能会和小米的策略不同,他还是会将乐视 TV 的产品线当做最主要的业务核心来做规划。
In the third quarter of this year, there may appear a second mobile internet company that achieves the intelligence on the phone, television and routers in China. However, different from Xiaomi’s strategies, Letv will plan the product line of TV as its most important core business.
For most of the domestic mobile Internet companies, smart home is still just a concept. It’s worth considering how to perform well in the hardware manufacturing from a virtual network environment. But the opportunities in smart TVs and routers are less and less.
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Steve & Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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