With vast reserves of talented linguists of many different nationalities and a highly effective coordination mechanism in place, CCJK is able to provide most precise and in-context translation services with ultra productivity in most world languages and fields.

at this post, i would like to share some vocabulary of our recent medical translation (Source Language: English, Target Language: Traditional Chinese HK, Target audience: HongKong User)

English revised translation original translation
Patient 患者 病患
identity 特徵 標識
office 診所 診療所
Combination Therapy 結合治療法 整合治療法
care 護理 照護
doctor 醫生 醫師
give (inject) 施打 注射
Adverse Experience 不良反應 不良事件
potential option 可行選項 可能的選項
best supportive care 最佳支持療法 最佳支持性治療
quality of life 生活質素 生活質量
monitor participant’s health 監察參與者健康狀況 監控/監測參與者健康狀況
care and attention 疑問和顧慮 問題和疑慮
approved therapy 獲認可療法 經驗證療法
reveive therapy 接受治療 得到治療
stop their growth 防止惡化 阻止其增長
conduct medical examination 進行體檢 實施體檢
visit 會面 訪問/就診
follow-up 跟進 隨訪
Informed Consent Presentation 知情同意書  
understand 了解 瞭解
about the TRAVERSE study 有關 TRAVERSE 研究 瞭解 TRAVERSE 研究
investigational drug 研究藥物 試驗藥
lasts approximately four months 為期約四個月 持續約四個月
although 儘管 盡管
privacy 私隱 隱私
encourage 敦促 鼓勵
keep with 攜帶 挾帶
If you have any questions that are not answered below, 如有任何以下未涵蓋的問題 如有任何未在下面回答的問題
  人士 人群
assit 協助 輔助

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Take a look at how we helped our client by localizing their project for Life Sciences Industry. Click here to read the complete case study