WWDC 大会临近,日前有传言苹果打算进军智能家居,很多人对苹果将在该领域采取的策略和思路展开了讨论。
With WWDC conference incoming, there has been rumored recently that Apple Inc. is going to march towards the smart home market, and a lot of people have launched discussion on strategies and ideas to be taken in this regard.
今天,根据 Gigaom 消息,苹果不会推出自家的智能家居设备,而是为一批第三方产品施以 Made for iPhone(MFi) 认证。另外,匿名知情人士透露,苹果将聚焦于提升设备连接 Wi-Fi 的简易度,并有可能允许用户通过蓝牙进行语音操控。
According to the latest news revealed by Gigaom today, Apple Inc. won’t present its intelligent household equipment but apply certification on Made for iPhone (Mfi) for the first batch of third party products. Additionally, an anonymous insider discloses that Apple Inc. will focus on promoting the simplicity of connecting Wi-Fi, and probably allow users to give voice control by Bluetooth.
At some point, it’s somehow shameful for Apple Inc. to do it this way – it has real potential to set another example of how to make automation and programming. Compared with the past consistent actions, it’s merely to prevent household market from split, but taking account of commercial strategies, it’s reasonable and rational.
坦白说,苹果该策略背后的理念并不新奇。在 CES 上,它就与海尔达成了合作关系,后者使用 MFi 项目认证旗下的天樽智能空调——这是第一款符合苹果 MFi 标准(涉及设计、品质、与 iOS 的协作性)的可联接智能空调机——它无需用户做任何注册或输入任何密码,就能通过 Wi-Fi 与苹果设备相连,这也正是它受到苹果青睐和认可的关键原因。
To be frank, the Apple Inc.’s idea in support of this strategy is not novel. Regarding CES, it concluded cooperation with Haier which used Tianzun Intelligent Air-conditioner within the certification of MFi, the first linkable intelligent air-conditioner in compliance with Apple MFi criteria (involving design, quality and interoperability with iOS) in no need of any registration or password input to connect with Apple devices through Wi-Fi, as is also the key reason to be preferred and reckoned by Apple Inc.
把思维再延展一些,如果你同样能如此便捷地操控门锁、恒温器、灯具,是不是无比舒畅呢?没错,这也正是 WAC (Wireless Accessory Configuration) 的价值所在。
Further thinking, if door locks,thermostats, and lamps can be easily controlled likewise, will you feel more comfortable? Yes, this is the pivoted key of WAC (Wireless Accessory Configuration).
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Anne, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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