However, sometimes you may find literal translation is not appropriate for delivering smooth or accurate expression. In this case, you’d better try free translation to some extent.
For example:
Coating Method of the Future
combined operation for a wide range of packaging functions, efficiently applying multiple coatings in a single, precise, and repeatable operation
Less coating heads and smaller drying units create enable compact systems at a lower investment cost.
Efficient Starch Preparation Systems are required to store and prepare the starch powder onsite, adding and mixing precise ingredients as required, and to disperse the resulting starch-based solution.
Free translation is also popular when translating movie names and advertisement titles.
For example:
Top Gun 壮志凌云
Mission Impossible 谍中谍
The Fugitive 亡命天涯
The Matrix 骇客帝国
Sister Act 修女也疯狂
The Building Blocks of Your Success
Xx strengthens management team
Xx 强化管理团队建设
Xx 如虎添翼 网罗精英管理人才
In a word, we cannot only depend on either approach for high quality translation. We should translate in a flexible way so as to deliver accurate, enthusiastic, and powerful translation.
Read Also: To avoid the literal translation in dialog project