Google 和 Amazon 看似是两家基因完全不同的公司:Google 以广告为生; Amazon 则是一家电商。但是,商业世界中是没有明确的界限的,哪里有市场、哪里有利益,大家就会蜂拥而至,这在互联网巨头之间也不例外。当人们都在谈论 Google 和苹果之间的风格路径差异的时候,可能大家没有注意到, Amazon 正迅速成长起来,并已经成为了 Google 最强劲的竞争对手之一。

Seemingly, Google and Amazon are two completely different companies in nature: Google makes a profit from advertising; Amazon is an E-commerce enterprise. However, there are no clear boundaries in the business world. People will flock to any fields where there are markets and interests, which is not an exception for the two Internet giants. When people are talking about the difference between Google and Apple in styles and paths, maybe they haven’t noticed that Amazon has rapidly grown to be one of the most powerful rivals against Google.

双方不仅在各自的核心业务领域(零售和广告)展开了激烈的竞争,并且在不断扩展自身业务线的过程中,在智能手机、流媒体视频、云计算、无人机等非核心业务领域也形成了直接对抗。市场研究公司 Forrester Research 分析师 James McQuivey 表示,Google 和 Amazon 正朝着同一个目标前进,那就是:双方都希望在用户有任何需求的时候首先想到的是自己。

They both have not only engaged themselves in a fierce competition in their respective core business areas (retail and advertising), but also formed a direct confrontation in such non-core business areas as smart phones, streaming videos, cloud computing, unmanned aerial vehicles and others in the process of expanding their own business lines. James McQuivey, an analyst from a market research firm Forrester Research says that Google and Amazon are moving towards the same goal, that is: both sides wish users could think of them first when they have any needs.


Competition in core businesses


Field of retail business


Field of Advertising business


Competition in non-core businesses


Field of mobile data


Field of digital entertainment content


Field of cloud computing services

科技界的分析人士认为,Google 和 Amazon 之间的竞争只是未来互联网发展的一个缩影。互联网巨头们都在争相扩张自己的业务线以覆盖更广泛的服务领域, 希望最大限度的将用户留在自己手中。在这个过程中,互联网巨头们不可避免的会进入彼此的核心业务领域,或同时进入新的业务领域。因此,巨头们的针锋相对在未来将会越来越普遍。

Analysts from IT industry believe that the competition between Google and Amazon is just a microcosm of Internet development in the future. Internet giants are competing to expand their business lines to cover a wider range of services, wishing to hold users in their own hands as many as possible. In this process, Internet giants will inevitably enter each other’s core business areas, or enter new business areas at the same time. So the tit for tat situation between them in the future will become increasingly common.

From: The 36Kr

Translated by Ashley, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.

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