Developing, implementing, and evaluating activities and programs that address employee training and development, performance appraisal, and talent and performance management to ensure that the knowledge, skills, abilities, and performance of the workforce meet current and future organizational and individual needs.
What HR needs to Do:
01 Ensure that human resources development activities are compliant with all applicable federal laws and regulations.(培训项目的合法性)
02 Conduct a needs assessment to identify and establish priorities regarding human resource development activities. (培训需求评估;攻关重点培训项目)
03 Develop/select and implement employee training programs (for example: leadership skills, harassment prevention, computer skills) to increase individual and organizational effectiveness.(培训项目设置(企业文化与组织哲学培训—沟通与人际交往培训—岗位上岗知识与技能培训)
04 Evaluate effectiveness of employee training programs through the use of metrics (for example: participant surveys, pre- and post-testing). SPHR only(培训效果评估)(培训调查反馈—培训前与培训后测试评估)
05 Develop, implement, and evaluate talent management programs that include assessing talent, developing career paths, and managing the placement of high-potential employees. (确定精英人才项目) (精英人才评估标准—-人才职业发展通道—雏鹰人才安置与管理)
06 Develop, select, and evaluate performance appraisal processes (for example: instruments, ranking and rating scales) to increase individual and organizational effectiveness. (绩效评估量化流程) (绩效KPI与岗位经营性产值报表)
07 Develop, implement, and evaluate performance management programs and procedures (includes training for evaluators).
08 Develop/select, implement, and evaluate programs (for example: telecommuting, diversity initiatives, repatriation) to meet the changing needs of employees and the organization.(远程办公,多样性需求;外派;项目外包等人力资源需求项目)
09 Provide coaching to managers and executives regarding effectively managing organizational talent. (管理层经理培训课程)
What HR need to know:
Applicable federal laws and regulations related to human resources development activities.
Career development and leadership development theories and applications (for example: succession planning, dual career ladders)
Organizational development (OD) theories and applications
Training program development techniques to create general and specialized training programs
Facilitation techniques, instructional methods, and program delivery mechanisms
Task/process analysis
Performance appraisal methods (for example: instruments, ranking and rating scales)
Performance management methods (for example: goal setting, relationship to compensation, job placements/ promotions)
Applicable global issues (for example: international law, culture, local management approaches/practices, societal norms).
Techniques to assess training program effectiveness, including use of applicable metrics (for example: participant surveys, pre- and post-testing)
Mentoring and executive coaching