there are special format and standards to translate the Diplomas.

Basically, the translatoion’s purpose is to make it is known by other people who are not native speakers for Chinese.

hence, above all, the translation shall included the correct meaning for the diplomas.

secondly, there shall be not any mistakes in grammar, spelling, meaning etc

Thirdly,we shall follow the specific rules on translation diplomas.

Here are some examples:

Certificate of Graduation

This is to certify that Gong Haiyun, female, native of Tianjin City, aged 23, has studied Clinical Medicine Specialty in Medicine Department of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences from Sep. 1985, and has completed the requirements as stipulated in the six-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.

Having passed the examinations in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine.

Lu Guangqi


Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences

July 2, 1991

Certificate registration 85176

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As you can see, we have special terms in Chinese Certificate of Graduation such as “完成六年制学习”, before translation, we shall get clear the implied meaning of each word. For instance,”中华人民共和国学位管理条例” is our unique culture, we need to explain it to the point so the foreign readers can understand.

Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree

Graduate of General Higher Education Undergraduate Programme

This is to certify that Ren Lili, female, born in February, 1973, studied Clinical Medicine Specialty in Jamusi Medical College from September 1990 to July 1995, and has completed the requirements as stipulated in the five-year undergraduate program and is hereby granted graduation. In accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded Bachelor’s Degree of Medicine.

Lv Xueshen

Chairman of Degree Evaluation Committee

Jiamusi Medical College

July 7, 1995

Certificate No: 90144

Notarial Deed

(97) Hazhengwaizi No. 5099

This is to certify that the aforesaid copy accords with the Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree No. 90144 issued to Ren Lili on July 7, 1995 by Jiamusi Medical College. The steel seal (Jiamusi Medical College) on the certificate and the signature of Lv Xueshen, Chairman of Degree Evaluation Committee, are factually correct.

Notary: Wang Li

Notary Public Office of Harbin,

Heilongjiang Province,

the People’s Republic of China.

Seal (Notary Public Office of Harbin)

March 14, 1997


Notarial Deed

(97) Hazhengwaizi No. 5100

This is to certify that the aforesaid translation accords with the content-body of the notarial deed, (97) Hazhengwaizi No. 5099.

Notary: Wang Li

Notary Public Office of Harbin,

Heilongjiang Province,

the People’s Republic of China.

Seal (Notary Public Office of Harbin)

March 14, 1997