The world has 182.000.000 people who speak Portuguese as their first language, and Portuguese is the world’s 8th most popular language. Most of Portuguese speakers live in Brazil while only 100 million people live in Portugal. Portuguese is also prevalent in other parts of the world, such as Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Macau, Cape Verde, Madeira and East Timor.
Among these countries, eight of them have Portuguese as an official language, they are Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde Islands, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome, and Principe, and East Timor.
European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese is not much different, they are similar to each other, just like British English and American English. Although there are some differences in pronunciation, grammar, syntax and idioms, both are more or less mutually understandable. The most common standard is European Portuguese.
Portuguese verb Modification
Portuguese verb modification (Portuguese: a conjugação), is the Portuguese verb phrase to express a different style, tense, physical, person, or change the number of verbs and auxiliary verbs ending in the suffix of the form. Portuguese verbs can be divided into three groups, the infinitive verb suffix Category: were at the end of the-ar,-er,-ir
Spanish has four Auxiliary verbs: ser estar ter and haver, they are all Irregular verbs, details as follow:
Impersonal verb (o verbo impessoal)
Participle (o particípio)
Past participle (o particípio passado): sido
Present participle (o particípio presente): sendo
Infinitive (o infinitivo)
Present impersonal infinitive (o infinitivo presente impessoal): ser
Personal verb (o verbo pessoal)
Infinitive (o infinitivo)
Present personal verb (o infinitivo presente pessoal): fôr, fores, fôr, formos, fordes, forem
Indicative mood (o indicativo)
Past indicative mood (o pretérito do indicativo): fui, fôste, foi, fomos, fôstes, foram
Past perfect indicative mood (o pretérito mais-que-perfeito do indicativo): fôra, foras, fôra, fôramos, fôreis, foram
Impersonal verb (o verbo impessoal)
Participle (o particípio)
Past participle (o particípio passado): estado
Present participle (o particípio presente): estando
Infinitive (o infinitivo)
Present impersonal infinitive (o infinitivo presente impessoal): estar
Personal verb (o verbo pessoal)
Infinitive (o infinitivo)
Present personal verb (o infinitivo presente pessoal): estiver, estiveres, estiver, estivermos, estiverdes, estiverem
Indicative mood (o indicativo)
Past indicative mood(o pretérito do indicativo): estive, estiveste, estêve, estivemos, estivestes, estiveram
Past perfect indicative mood (o pretérito mais-que-perfeito do indicativo): estivera, estiveras, estivera, estivéramos, estivéreis, estiveram
Present indicative mood(o presente do indicativo): estou, estás, está, estamos, estais, estão
Impersonal verb (o verbo impessoal)
Participle (o particípio)
Past participle (o particípio passado): tido
Present participle (o particípio presente): tendo
Past indicative mood(o pretérito do indicativo): tive, tiveste, teve, tivemos, tivestes, tiveram
These is some of the basics of Portuguese a translator should know.
For more information about Portuguese translations, please drop me an email: [email protected]
Read Also: Portuguese Translation Services at CCJK