在传统家电卖场,国美依然跟苏宁双雄并立,但是,在电商领域,国美却是一个不折不扣的弱者。然而,今年以来,国美突然在电商领域异常地高调起来,上半年跟主要对手京东和苏宁易购反复捉对厮杀,日前更是传出两封咄咄逼人的内部邮件,一是宣称今年下半年要全面超越苏宁易购,二是发狠话要线上线下价格全面低于京东。一时间,3C 家电电商市场再一次变得剑拔弩张起来。
The traditional household appliances market is still dominated by Gome and Suning. But in the field of E-commerce, Gome is totally the weaker. However, this year, Gome is suddenly and exceptionally active in this industry. In the first half, Gome provoked fierce competition repeatedly with its main competitors JD and Suning. What’s more, in two aggressive internal mails revealed a few days ago, Gome asserted it would fully surpass Suning in the second half of this year and even declared to bring down prices to lower than those on JD both online and offline. Suddenly, the 3C household appliances E-commerce market is at swords’ points once again.
From: The Huxiu
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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