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Redbooks replaces SalesLoft with Outreach for ease of use and powerful features

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When it comes to sales engagement platforms, the competitive advantage you deliver becomes the competitive advantage that defines you. And when Outreach went head-to-head with SalesLoft in healthy competition, Outreach took advantage to knock them out of their position.

But unseating an entrenched platform is no mean feat. Beyond battling the inertia of status quo, you have to get your foot in the door. In the case of Redbooks in NYC, that door to opportunity was opened by Biz Dev Manager, Phil Arbeiter.

Arbeiter knew Outreach from his previous role at a company called Collibra, where he had been instrumental in developing their sales team as well. It was there that he discovered and implemented Outreach, and quickly learned that its organization, insights, and ease-of-use were invaluable in turning a nebulous startup sales team into a structured, fine-tuned machine.

When we first started we pretty much had inbound only, and the marketing team was still getting up and going,” Arbeiter recalled. “We realized pretty quickly that trying to keep yourself organized in Gmail alone was pretty hard – trying to keep track of who called whom and when, how many emails you sent, and very basic things like that.

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