Service Introduction:

In the past, we only do evaluation of translation/proofreading test from time to time. However, in recent months, we are responsible for professional evaluation of translation/proofreading test for a large professional evaluation company.

The Client’s Requirements

  1. The client sends us several files (including source file with translation and proofreading words in this one file, translation evaluation form file and proofreading evaluation form file). Ask us to finish the forms in 1 hour.
  2. The client asks to choose Grade (excellent, very good, good, below-average, insufficient quality), write down our comments and examples of strength and weakness.
  3. Multilanguage evaluation. The client often needs to do evaluation in Korea, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Challenges for us

  1. In source file, the translation and proofreading words are written by pen. Sometimes it is not very clear.
  2. There is only one hour for us to finish the task. Time is not too much.
  3. Several languages.

CCJK’s Solution

  1. Keep contact with the client. If there is any unclear place, we will check it with the client.
  2. Choose the experienced professional linguists to do evaluation. They have over 5 years full-time translation experience and often do evaluation projects. Therefore, they are familiar with this kind of project. 1 hour is enough for them to do it.
  3. All of them are Asian languages which are our advantage languages. In fact, we have many excellent translators. We did 104 languages project for SOFTWARE several times. Therefore, we not only can do Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korea test evaluation, but also more, such as Thai, Vietnamese, Russian, Indonesian etc.

Traditional Chinese Example:

2.2 Weaknesses (please provide examples where applicable)

  • Source: before you leap into action faster than a speeding bullet
  • Target: 在你能進入比子彈還快的行動境界前
  • Suggestion: 在你迫不及待的開始遊戲之前,or in a rhetoric way 在你風馳 電掣般(以迅雷不及掩耳之勢)開始行動之前,
  • Comment: there are so many ways to describe rapidness in Chinese other than word-for-word translation.
  • Source: villain
  • Target: 輸家
  • Suggestion: 惡棍
  • Comment: the original English here meant the player can choose to be good or evil, and “輸家” (loser) is not the right translation.
  • Source: as the Dark Knight has only a handful of long range attacks
  • Target: 因為黑暗騎士只有長距離的攻擊招式
  • Suggestion: 因為黑暗騎士只有有限的遠程攻擊手段
  • Comment: Wrong understanding.
  • Source: he’s heavy, slow and hits hard
  • Target: 他很硬
  • Suggestion: 他很笨重,但破壞力驚人
  • Comment: hits hard does not mean 他很硬(he is hard). Not accurate.


Founded in 2000 and born for Internet, CCJK is a highly trusted professional e-Services company supported by more than 2,000 talented linguists, engineers, designers and programmers who work as a super organized team. From language translation, desktop publishing, graphic design, software localization, website development, SEO, user guide to corporate eLearning, we provide one stop solution to help client gain competitive edge. We rely on streamlined and sophisticated process to ensure fast and quality delivery. By trusting CCJK’s one stop solution, you need only focus on your core business, win market share and maximize your profit in simplest and soonest way.

Read Also: Xu Zhimo’s Translation of Thomas Hardy’s Poems