Translation Blogs

BroadLink, Growing from Single Smart Device to a Platform in One Year
May 22, 2014

BroadLink, Growing from Single Smart Device to a Platform in One Year

Posted by admin
BroadLink 的最初定位是专门给企业提供智能化交钥匙解决方案,也就是说,厂商只要将电控等做到极致,给留一个接口,会打包帮其实现智能化,后面的云服务、APP 都是免费的。 BroadLink’s initial marketing position is specifically providing intelligent “turn-key” solutions…
More Biometric Sensors Will be in Mobile Devices, Confessed by Samsung
May 22, 2014

More Biometric Sensors Will be in Mobile Devices, Confessed by Samsung

Posted by admin
据 WSJ 消息,三星的高级副总裁 Rhee In-jong 周一在香港向分析师及投资者表示,公司正计划将生物识别传感器技术应用于移动安全系统中,而低端智能手机中也将有可能搭载生物传感器。 According to WSJ news, Samsung Electronics is…
Inside High Fidelity, the virtual reality successor to ‘Second Life’
May 22, 2014

Inside High Fidelity, the virtual reality successor to ‘Second Life’

Posted by admin
As virtual reality gains steam, the question of virtual worlds is never far…
Intelligent Wristband: To be or not to be, that is a question?
May 22, 2014

Intelligent Wristband: To be or not to be, that is a question?

Posted by admin
现在智能手环进入一个两极分化严重的现状。廉价的产品已经被 OEM 厂商将成本做到白菜价,数月之内会出现一大批售价百元左右的产品。另一边,在工艺和后台算法更可靠的海外精品,却在以高价在国内市场掘金。 Now the intelligent bracelet market is presented with a polarization…
Network to networks, finance to finance: the four reasons behind Yu’E Bao slump under 5
May 19, 2014

Network to networks, finance to finance: the four reasons behind Yu’E Bao slump under 5

Posted by admin
Abstract: 7 days’ annualized yield of Yu’E Bao was below 5, its halo…
The rumor has it that Facebook would open its first sales office in Beijing and expand advertisement business in China
May 15, 2014

The rumor has it that Facebook would open its first sales office in Beijing and expand advertisement business in China

Posted by admin
According to news from Wall Street Journal, the social networking giant Facebook would…

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