Translation Blogs

Prediction or Reality: Mobile E-commerce to Take Half the Whole by 2018
May 23, 2014

Prediction or Reality: Mobile E-commerce to Take Half the Whole by 2018

Posted by admin
电子商务已经成为人们生活不可分割的一部分。然而,目前为止,智能手机和平板等终端的实际销售业绩,还没有在电子商务领域形成规模化影响。不久前,互联网数据研究资讯中心 Forrester 新近公布的预测显示,到 2018 年,移动端的交易额将达到 2930 亿美元,占线上商品销售总额的 54%,相当于再给四年时间,移动电子商务将撑起电子商务的半边天。 E-commerce has become an integral…
Smartisan T1: 3000 RMB = Inspiration + Two Years’ being Mocked
May 23, 2014

Smartisan T1: 3000 RMB = Inspiration + Two Years’ being Mocked

Posted by admin
2014 年 5 月 20 日晚,锤子手机发布会,T1手机亮相。相不错,16G 卖 3000 元,32G 3150 元。同时,老罗宣布,100 万“单口相声”门票收入,则捐赠 OpenSSL…
Google Glass on the Brink of Success and Failure
May 23, 2014

Google Glass on the Brink of Success and Failure

Posted by admin
上周,谷歌眼镜在美国开放预订,只要愿花 1500 美元,任何人都可以购买这款产品。如果你没有注意到,也没有关系。两年多以前,谷歌眼镜是谷歌宣传力度最大的产品之一,如今却处于失败的边缘。 Last week, Google Glass was available for open booking in…
Teleport: Location no Longer be a Barrier to Mobile Staff
May 23, 2014

Teleport: Location no Longer be a Barrier to Mobile Staff

Posted by admin
这家公司提出的更大、更泛泛的创意则是让地点与工作不相关。虽然纽约、伦敦和新加坡等城市拥有大批人才,但从理论上讲,他们应该在世界上任何一个地方都可以工作。 The greater and broader idea this company proposed is to make location…
How to Keep Your Existing Clients Happy
May 23, 2014

How to Keep Your Existing Clients Happy

Posted by AZ Aizaz
We love to have more and more clients but keeping previous clients is…
Observing Layout of Tencent Games: Trade-off and Ponder in Mobile Generation
May 22, 2014

Observing Layout of Tencent Games: Trade-off and Ponder in Mobile Generation

Posted by admin
2014 年第一季度,腾讯 QQ 的智能终端月活跃帐户达到 4.90 亿,微信及 WeChat 的合并月活跃帐户达 3.96 亿。腾讯手游总收入 18 亿元人民币,环比增长约两倍。其中手机游戏的付费用户基数环比增长一倍以上。相比之下,腾讯端游产品线的增长步伐明显放缓。 In…

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