Translation Blogs

May 28, 2014

Alibaba “Farmland Pay”: Fundraising Goes Beyond Expectation

Posted by admin
据了解,“耕地宝”是将百姓手中的“散钱”聚合起来进行再投资,投资者不仅可获得私人农场一年四季的无公害蔬菜,还可获得去当地旅游的免费门票和住宿等。 It’s known that “Farmland Pay” aims to collect “small money” from people…
May 27, 2014

Chen Lei: Four Opportunities for Internet Developers

Posted by admin
1. 智能硬件 Intelligent Hardware 在智能硬件这个领域,腾讯的做法和软件开放平台的方法类似,就是我们把平台开放出来,让硬件的创业者和我们的平台接轨。今天我们的做法就是把腾讯软件行业的能力在硬件行业里也继续开放,把 QQ 的通讯能力、帐号能力、提醒能力、微云的存储能力、广告能力都开放出来,希望帮助创业者尽快创造硬件方面的奇迹。 The way Tencent handling intelligent hardware…
Cloud for Business
May 27, 2014

Cloud for Business

Posted by admin
The cloud’s penetration of the world of business is considerably less than its…
Pocari: Lunar Advertising Program
May 26, 2014

Pocari: Lunar Advertising Program

Posted by admin
作为宝矿力饮料的生产商,大冢制药近日正式启动了 “月球梦想囊” 计划,将在 2015 年发射私人火箭,把满载人类梦想留言和宝矿力冲剂的 “梦想囊” 送到月球表面。如果计划能够成功实施,这也将成为第一支在月球上发布的广告。 Recently,Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,as the manufacturer…
Online Travel Applications: Water Sellers Next to a Gold Mine
May 26, 2014

Online Travel Applications: Water Sellers Next to a Gold Mine

Posted by admin
互联网不可阻挡的向移动互联网转化。对于在线旅游来讲,移动APP是当下行业的颠覆者,也是未来的王者。 Internet has inevitably transformed into mobile Internet. Mobile applications are subverters and…
Big Data Quantity vs. Quality
May 26, 2014

Big Data Quantity vs. Quality

Posted by admin
Increasing adoption of big data technologies brings about the big data dilemmas: 大数据科技的广泛使用,带来了“进退两难”的局面:…

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