Translation Blogs

Parrot’s New Bebop Drone Promises out of Body Experiences and Crystal-clear Video
June 5, 2014

Parrot’s New Bebop Drone Promises out of Body Experiences and Crystal-clear Video

Posted by admin
The Parrot AR.Drone was a remarkable toy when it was introduced in 2010,…
Anonymous Social App Secret Came into China
June 4, 2014

Anonymous Social App Secret Came into China

Posted by admin
导语:国际市场的增长也给 Secret 在美国的发展带来了光环效应。过去一周,Secret 已成为美国排名前 50 的社交媒体应用之一。 Lead: Secret’s growth in the international market…
Weibo Becomes Exclusive Social Media Partner of CCTV in World Cup
June 4, 2014

Weibo Becomes Exclusive Social Media Partner of CCTV in World Cup

Posted by admin
6 月 2 日,微博正式发布世界杯战略,宣布成为央视 5 套 2014 年世界杯社交媒体独家合作伙伴。巴西世界杯期间,微博将联手央视推进台网联动合作模式,并且在重大体育赛事上首次打造跨屏话题互动,实现直播社交化。伴随赛事和节目进程,微博将以超过 150 个热门话题为基础,带来跨平台、跨屏幕、多终端的全新互动体验,为观众和网友打造一站式世界观赛平台。 On June 2,…
Apple’s Worldwide Developers “Crying” Conference 2014
June 4, 2014

Apple’s Worldwide Developers “Crying” Conference 2014

Posted by admin
苹果在 1996 年创办的 WWDC 全球开发者大会,现在已经变成了让全球开发者流眼泪的年会。 WWDC founded by Apple in 1996 has now…
How to make Smart Home for Apple Inc.?
June 3, 2014

How to make Smart Home for Apple Inc.?

Posted by admin
WWDC 大会临近,日前有传言苹果打算进军智能家居,很多人对苹果将在该领域采取的策略和思路展开了讨论。 With WWDC conference incoming, there has been rumored recently that Apple…
What life would be like when cloud computing was introduced into weather forecast?
June 3, 2014

What life would be like when cloud computing was introduced into weather forecast?

Posted by admin
我们每天早上关心的第一件事——天气,早已经成为一门生意。 The first thing for us to care about every morning is weather,…

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