Translation Blogs

The Most Important Factor in Online Marketing
June 12, 2014

The Most Important Factor in Online Marketing

Posted by admin
网络营销最重要的一步棋其实是转化率的布局。因为网络营销中每个环节都隐含转化率这个概念,把这一步棋下好后你会发现在最基本的网络营销流程中我们都可实现不费力的效用,少花钱多收益只不过是稍微调整而已。 In fact, the most important factor in online marketing is the distribution…
World Cup Brand Stories: Nike vs Adidas
June 12, 2014

World Cup Brand Stories: Nike vs Adidas

Posted by admin
阿迪达斯和世界杯的渊源,要追溯到上世纪 70 年代—阿迪达斯于 1970 年第一次赞助了世界杯。去年,阿迪达斯与 FIFA 官方完成了续约合同,阿迪达斯将作为 FIFA 的官方合作伙伴直至 2030 年。 60 年的姻缘正如阿迪达斯…
Chinese Internet’s Joys & Sorrows in Recent 20 Years
June 11, 2014

Chinese Internet’s Joys & Sorrows in Recent 20 Years

Posted by admin
导语:在所有中国行业中,互联网行业是上市最频繁、最多、最快的。刺激人们的,除了白花花的银子,更有火辣辣的青春。现在,中国互联网已经成长为仅次于美国的全球第二大市场,我们的移动互联网发展甚至超过了美国,也诞生了 BAT (百度阿里巴巴腾讯)那样的世界级互联网公司。 Introduction: among all industries in China, the Internet industry is…
How Does Internet Reshape the Logistics?
June 10, 2014

How Does Internet Reshape the Logistics?

Posted by admin
过去 10 年电子商务的发展,将传统的中国物流推进快车道,今天京东、阿里等企业陆续在海外上市,物流成为其估值的重头戏。这也是为何刘强东自始至终都强调京东物流的核心价值,马云会在阿里上市头一年(2013 年)高调启动菜鸟物流平台的关键内因,物流对于大型平台电商企业有着不言而喻的战略价值。 With the development of e-commerce over the past 10…
How Taxi-calling Apps Make Profit in the Suddenly Changed Market
June 10, 2014

How Taxi-calling Apps Make Profit in the Suddenly Changed Market

Posted by admin
导语:当补贴大战落下谢幕后,随着一份通知文件的下达,打车软件再次被推上舆论风口。盈利模式模糊的打车软件将如何寻求可持续发展呢? Introduction: after the end of subsidy war, with the issue of an…
Logistics & Warehouse, an Advantage for Fresh Food E-commerce Enterprises over Other Rivals
June 9, 2014

Logistics & Warehouse, an Advantage for Fresh Food E-commerce Enterprises over Other Rivals

Posted by admin
生鲜电商兴起以后,一直都是“大电商忙布局小电商帮吆喝”的状态,这片蓝海是有目共睹的,即便有冷链及商品标准化困难等因素的限制,仍然阻止不了生鲜电商的持续升温。 Large e-commerce enterprises have kept busy making arrangements, while the small ones…

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