Translation Blogs

Not Merely Human Being Needs “Health Tracker”: Chicago Collects “Big Data” of Environment with Sensors
July 4, 2014

Not Merely Human Being Needs “Health Tracker”: Chicago Collects “Big Data” of Environment with Sensors

Posted by admin
据 chicago tribune 报道,今夏开始芝加哥将在街道上安装传感器,实时测量温度、湿度、光照、声音、空气质量、人流密度、路况甚至通讯信号等数据。政府、机构、公众都可以随时在网上免费获取、使用这些信息。 As reported by Chicago Tribune, Chicago plans to install…
With Photos for Photos, the Chat on the Facebook’s New App Slingshot Can Hardly Stop Once Started
June 30, 2014

With Photos for Photos, the Chat on the Facebook’s New App Slingshot Can Hardly Stop Once Started

Posted by admin
此前曾在 App Store 灵光一闪的 Slingshot (Android / iOS) 正式上线,使用的整体感受是:由 Facebook 出品的这款 Slingshot 太牛了,基于图片和视频的交流一旦开始,根本停不下来。…
Google Makes Efforts to Change the World in 12 Ways
June 30, 2014

Google Makes Efforts to Change the World in 12 Ways

Posted by admin
谷歌喜欢致力于一些别人未曾发力的事物, CEO 拉里·佩奇也认为谷歌是变革的“代言人”。谷歌已通过 Search 改变了我们获取信息的方式,也通过 Chromecast 改变了我们消费媒体内容的方式,而且还通过 Glass 改变了我们如何消费信息的方式。另外,谷歌还因为其“登月实验室”而闻名。 Google likes to be…
Sound Box: New Opportunity for Smart Hardware?
June 27, 2014

Sound Box: New Opportunity for Smart Hardware?

Posted by admin
今年 2 月 21 日,我在微信朋友圈发了这样一条文字状态。“谁能用互联网思维改造一下家庭浴室,每次进去都要揣个扬声器很麻烦的,况且切首歌,接个临时电话简直是反人类。”几个月过去了,智能家庭浴室我还暂时没看到,不过可以通过语音操控的智能音箱倒是来了。 On Feb. 21 of this year, I posted…
Google’s Hardware Arrangements: Always Looking for the “Next” Product
June 27, 2014

Google’s Hardware Arrangements: Always Looking for the “Next” Product

Posted by admin
车联网这一概念兴起之后,让很多新兴的互联网企业兴奋不已,他们终于可以“插手”高大上的汽车行业了。今年 5 月,腾讯就发布了腾讯路宝 APP+ 路宝盒子,并宣布成立了“I 车生活平台”,为车主提供一站式的汽车生活服务。由此,腾讯路宝 APP+ 路宝盒子成为腾讯试水车联网的首个落地产品。 Many emerging Internet companies are…
Robots Can Also Take an Unhesitating Trip: Hitchbot Unable to Walk Will Hitchhike Alone Visiting Canada
June 24, 2014

Robots Can Also Take an Unhesitating Trip: Hitchbot Unable to Walk Will Hitchhike Alone Visiting Canada

Posted by admin
诺瓦艺术与设计大学的研究者 David Harris Smith 和 Frauke Zeller 研发了一款机器人Hitchbot。它是专为搭车旅行而生,为此研发者都没有设计走动的功能,名字也是从 hitchhike 取的。Hitchbot 将从 7 月…

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