Translation Blogs

Midea’s Race with Rivals and Time: How to Be Involved in the Internet Thinking?
July 11, 2014

Midea’s Race with Rivals and Time: How to Be Involved in the Internet Thinking?

Posted by admin
美的总部一间大会议室内,公司高层围坐一圈,方洪波建议他们读三本书——《大数据时代》、《一网打尽》、《O2O:移动互联网时代的商业革命》——“互联网时代来了,你们要好好看看这三本书,看是不是能理解。我看完了,还没有完全理解”。这一天是 2013 年 12 月,很快,这些书就出现在所有美的高层办公桌上。 At a large conference room of Midea headquarters,…
Mercedes-Benz Unveils Self-Driving “Future Truck”
July 11, 2014

Mercedes-Benz Unveils Self-Driving “Future Truck”

Posted by admin
据纽约时报消息,戴姆勒首次对外展示了无人驾驶卡车——奔驰未来卡车 2025(Future Truck 2025),可降低卡车司机疲劳驾驶引发的交通事故,大大提高运输效率。 As reported by New York Times, Daimler debuted its…
Things You Should Know When Going to Brazil for the World Cup
July 8, 2014

Things You Should Know When Going to Brazil for the World Cup

Posted by admin
Without a doubt, the world cup 2014 has been a huge success in…
An Artificial Meat Company Modern Meadow Got a Huge $10 Million Investment from Li Ka-shing to Grow Artificial Meat and Leather in the Lab
July 7, 2014

An Artificial Meat Company Modern Meadow Got a Huge $10 Million Investment from Li Ka-shing to Grow Artificial Meat and Leather in the Lab

Posted by admin
科技巨头们都在追“人造肉”。李嘉诚对此也抱有很高的热情,于近日通过他的投资公司 Horizons Ventures 对 Modern Meadow 注资 1000 万美金用于加速研发和扩大规模。 Giants in science and…
Prospective:  Upcoming Google I/O Will Start A New Round of Fierce Competitions
July 7, 2014

Prospective: Upcoming Google I/O Will Start A New Round of Fierce Competitions

Posted by admin
谷歌 2014 年度开发者大会将于北京时间 6 月 26 日凌晨零点在美国旧金山召开,每年一度的 Google I/O 大会现在早已成了科技领域的一大盛事。 Google I/O 2014,…
China Railway Corporation will Launch the First Special Train for E-Commerce and “Railway King” Jumps into the E-Commerce Scramble
July 4, 2014

China Railway Corporation will Launch the First Special Train for E-Commerce and “Railway King” Jumps into the E-Commerce Scramble

Posted by admin
年中大促的硝烟尚未散去,电商们关于“国庆大促”、“双 11”的“大战”又已在策划中。作为电商大战的后勤保障,物流业同样混战再起,而这一次“铁老大”也将加入混战。 Not before the heat of mid-year sales promotion fades away, e-commerce…

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