Translation Blogs

Scientists Build Vascular System Using 3D Printer
July 21, 2014

Scientists Build Vascular System Using 3D Printer

Posted by admin
这个世界上每天都有数以万计的人在排队等待器官移植,然而鲜活的人体器官总是供不应求。因此,科学家一直试图人培育出人体器官。然而这里却有个问题,肌肉组织培养起来很容易,不过怎样培育繁复庞杂的血管体系呢?今天,来自悉尼大学,哈佛大学,斯坦福大学和 MIT 的一些科学家便宣传他们用 3D 打印成功培养了人体的血管组织。 In each day, tens of thousands of patients…
Bio-robot Comes!
July 21, 2014

Bio-robot Comes!

Posted by admin
美国伊利诺伊大学的研究人员宣布,他们在实验室培养出来的骨骼肌肉细胞来行走的微型机器人。这个机器人由生物和机械的部分组成,靠电流来控制,利用肌肉伸缩推动自身行走。 Researchers from the University of Illinois recently announced they have developed a…
Two Steps to Check in Your Hotel: HotelTonight Will Let Users Check in and Unlock Your Room with the Mobile Terminal
July 18, 2014

Two Steps to Check in Your Hotel: HotelTonight Will Let Users Check in and Unlock Your Room with the Mobile Terminal

Posted by admin
当日低价酒店预订服务 HotelTonight 正在其 Android app 上酝酿两项新功能: “Express Check-In” (超快速登记入住)和 “Keyless Entry”(不用钥匙即可解锁房门),HotelTonight 认为这两项功能代表了人们未来的酒店入住方式。 The…
GE has Launched a $15 LED Light Bulb that Can Be Controlled by the Wink App
July 18, 2014

GE has Launched a $15 LED Light Bulb that Can Be Controlled by the Wink App

Posted by admin
Wink 是由 Quirky 出品的一款应用,目前已推出 iOS 版和 Android 版。通过这款应用,你可以随时随地控制通用电气推出的这款 LED 灯泡,包括开灯、关灯和控制灯泡的亮度等。 Wink, an app…
Maker Voice: Use A Raw Material for Tofu to Cut Solar Cell Price
July 14, 2014

Maker Voice: Use A Raw Material for Tofu to Cut Solar Cell Price

Posted by admin
豆腐除了吃还能做什么呢?估计你肯定想不到,它还能启发科学家找到全新的制造太阳能电池的新材料。据国外媒体报道,英国利物浦的科学家们最近找到了一种全新的制造太阳能的新材料,这种材料平时用于制作豆腐和浴盐,可以大幅降低现在太阳能电池的制造成本。 What the tofu can be used for except as food? The answer…
“SkyTran” Hover Car Comes to Israel in 2015
July 14, 2014

“SkyTran” Hover Car Comes to Israel in 2015

Posted by admin
以色列特拉维夫市官员称,空中汽车“天行者”将于 2015 年在特拉维夫市投入使用。 According to news from an official of Tel Aviv, “SkyTran”…

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