Translation Blogs

15 Tips to Translate your Website
July 31, 2014

15 Tips to Translate your Website

Posted by admin
E-commerce has become a trillion dollar industry, offering countless opportunities for the growth…
Smart Home: Seven Questions about Its Popularity
July 30, 2014

Smart Home: Seven Questions about Its Popularity

Posted by admin
1、到底什么是智能家居? 智能家居这个概念乍一听太高大上了,但落地的时候有点被玩坏了。这边厂商随便拿一个产品出来,贴上智能家居的标签,就想多卖几百块钱,为了促成交易把功能吹得云里雾里;那边消费者一体验,发现和传统的产品没啥区别,失望透顶。 1. What is smart home on earth? Smart home seems great…
July 29, 2014

Kingsoft Invests $ 90 Million to Thunder

Posted by admin
2014 年 4 月 3 日,金山软件(股份代号:03888.HK)正式对外宣布将斥资 9000 万美元投资迅雷,认购 31,939,676 股迅雷 E 轮优先股,按全面转换及摊薄基础计算,占其股份总数的 9.98%。…
7 Technologies to be Realized in Next 50 Years
July 28, 2014

7 Technologies to be Realized in Next 50 Years

Posted by admin
1964 年,美国电气与电子工程学会 IEEE 杂志《IEEE Spectrum》刚成立时,一些预想家就曾预测过 50 年后的科技走势,如今,这一切都发生了。现在又有一批预想家预测了未来50年的科技发展趋势。 In 1964 when IEEE’s magazine IEEE…
AppleCare+ Purchase Window Extended to 60 Days and Provided More Support
July 25, 2014

AppleCare+ Purchase Window Extended to 60 Days and Provided More Support

Posted by admin
AppleCare+ 出来的比 AppleCare 晚,后者的精神就一句话:“苹果爱你。” 后出的呢?“苹果更爱你了。” AppleCare+ comes out later than AppleCare. The latter…
What if the Benches in Every Park Can Provide Charging like Soofa?
July 25, 2014

What if the Benches in Every Park Can Provide Charging like Soofa?

Posted by admin
TheVerge 消息,波士顿地区的几处公园很快会迎来一批可以将太阳能转化为电能的智能充电椅 Soofa,这些椅子除了可给游客的智能设备充电 ( 有 2 个 USB 口 ),也可显示一些基于 LBS 的信息,比如温度、空气污染指数等。 As…

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