Translation Blogs

Twitter user: “Does everybody have a toothache?”
August 11, 2014

Twitter user: “Does everybody have a toothache?”

Posted by admin
“难道每个人都牙疼吗?” ——在日本各大社交网站的自拍照以及流行杂志的封面照中,人们都爱手扶着脸颊。有推特用户吐槽道。 “Does everyone have a toothache?” – A Twitter user wrote for…
Twitter and Facebook Seek to One-click Shopping
August 8, 2014

Twitter and Facebook Seek to One-click Shopping

Posted by admin
Twitter(推特)和 Facebook(脸书)已经成为全球最大的两大社交网络,随着网络社交成为普通民众日常生活的一部分,这两家网站也开始向其他领域延伸发展,而电子商务、网上购物成为他们的最新战场。 Twitter and Facebook have become the world’s two largest big social…
Google Died, Apple & Microsoft Dying
August 8, 2014

Google Died, Apple & Microsoft Dying

Posted by admin
“谷歌已死,苹果垂危,微软将死” “Google died, Apple & Microsoft are dying” ——继大陆封杀谷歌 IP 地址,央视捏造苹果侵犯隐私之后,工商总局接到“某人”举报,开始调查微软“垄断”。有网友表示美国科技三巨头在华处境不妙。 Shortly after…
Card Payment – Suppose Cash Disappears
August 4, 2014

Card Payment – Suppose Cash Disappears

Posted by admin
新兴的支付技术快速改变着我们的生活方式。目前,在美国所有销售网点的交易中 66% 用卡完成,而在英国这一数字也将近 50%。不过,虽然离真正的无现金社会出现还有相当长的时间,但大量革命性技术的出现会让现金在不远的将来变得可有可无。 The emerging payment technology is changing our life style…
Launch of C-Store –  A professional Translation and IT Services Provider
August 4, 2014

Launch of C-Store – A professional Translation and IT Services Provider

Posted by admin
Are you still looking for a professional Translation Services platform? Do you have…
20 Technical Document Translation Tips
August 1, 2014

20 Technical Document Translation Tips

Posted by admin
Technical documents play an important role for the success of a product or…

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