Translation Blogs

Major Differences between Translation and Interpreting
August 26, 2014

Major Differences between Translation and Interpreting

Posted by admin
For some reason, most laymen regard both translation and interpreting as “translation.” Actually,…
Employment Prospects and Directions of Translation Major in 2014
August 26, 2014

Employment Prospects and Directions of Translation Major in 2014

Posted by admin
翻译专业,翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。其内容有语言、文字、图形、符号的翻译。是增强促进人们社会交流发展的重要手段。下面让 CCJK 为你介绍一下翻译专业就业前景与就业方向吧! Translation, a process of changing the expression from a relatively…
August 25, 2014

Gome Stirs A New Price War with JD

Posted by admin
在传统家电卖场,国美依然跟苏宁双雄并立,但是,在电商领域,国美却是一个不折不扣的弱者。然而,今年以来,国美突然在电商领域异常地高调起来,上半年跟主要对手京东和苏宁易购反复捉对厮杀,日前更是传出两封咄咄逼人的内部邮件,一是宣称今年下半年要全面超越苏宁易购,二是发狠话要线上线下价格全面低于京东。一时间,3C 家电电商市场再一次变得剑拔弩张起来。 The traditional household appliances market is still dominated by Gome and…
Taiwan Netizens: Since the “Tea Egg” Event, Such Disputes Never Cease
August 25, 2014

Taiwan Netizens: Since the “Tea Egg” Event, Such Disputes Never Cease

Posted by admin
“从茶叶蛋开始,两岸间诸如此类纷争就没停止过。望两岸朋友多沟通、交流,同是中华民族,没有什么化不开的结,不是吗?” “Since the “Tea Egg” event, such disputes between Taiwan and the Mainland…
The Truth behind Fans Economy: Emotion Becomes an Additional Value
August 22, 2014

The Truth behind Fans Economy: Emotion Becomes an Additional Value

Posted by admin
很多人都发现了:现在有点名气的人,都不拘于自己的本行,流行跨界,赚粉丝的钱。锤子手机的“情怀”营销做得风生水起,《小时代》也在质疑声中一路高歌猛进,屡创票房佳绩,韩寒的《后会无期》还未上映就已经让粉丝心痒难搔,连一贯主张理性的“罗辑思维”,也卖起了“真爱”月饼。这是一个粉丝经济大行其道的时代。 Many people have realized that anyone who is a bit famous now…
Ice Bucket Challenge Coming to China
August 22, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge Coming to China

Posted by admin
近期国外名人通过社交网络玩起了“冰桶挑战”的接力,挑战者需拍视频上传再提名三人,不敢挑战者要捐出善款。活动的主旨是为肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症 (ALS) 进行筹款,并呼吁社会关注。在昨天,这一活动蔓延至中国互联网圈,多名科技界大佬被点名参与了这一活动。 Recently, via social networks, foreign celebrities are playing a relay…

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