Translation Blogs

China Translation Industry advocates a Healthy & Rational Competition Order
September 2, 2014

China Translation Industry advocates a Healthy & Rational Competition Order

Posted by admin
中新社北京六月八日电(记者张希敏)来自中国数十家翻译行业的经营者在此间召开的首届中国翻译产业领袖峰会上达成“正常竞争,互不诋毁”的行业共识,共同探讨健康、理性的竞争秩序,遏制业内不良竞争。 China News Service Beijing, June 8 (Journalist Zhang Ximin) – In the…
Free Wifi Intelligently Scares Thieves Away? Look at Product Manager’s Black Magic
September 1, 2014

Free Wifi Intelligently Scares Thieves Away? Look at Product Manager’s Black Magic

Posted by admin
免费是产品经理的必修课,也是互联网商业模式的潜规则。见过那么多免费的产品设计,看到下面这个免费的产品,我还是惊呆了,中国人真是太强大了。故事是这样的: Being free of charge is a compulsory course for a product manager…
Apple Bans Use of Two Harmful Chemicals in iPhone and iPad Assembly
August 29, 2014

Apple Bans Use of Two Harmful Chemicals in iPhone and iPad Assembly

Posted by admin
五个月前,关心中国劳工福利的美国组织 China Labor Watch 和旨在推进绿色经济的 Green America发起请愿,向苹果施压,要求后者禁用 iPhone 和 iPad 最终组装过程中的两种化学品—— 苯(benzene)和正己烷(n-hexane)—— 这两种物质分别会导致白血病及神经损伤。…
August 29, 2014

Nokia’s Prototype Charges Cellphone with Noise

Posted by admin
据 Gizmag 消息,诺基亚与伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院的科学家们最近成功研究出了利用声音发电的技术。 Gizmag – Scientists from Nokia and Queen Mary University of…
Have just seen a danmu film in the cinema
August 27, 2014

Have just seen a danmu film in the cinema

Posted by admin
得知北京有一个电影院要在播放《小时代 3》的时候加入弹幕功能,而且是“全球首场”,我立刻就一惊一乍地加入了他们的行列。 Having heard that a cinema in Beijing would add danmu function…
August 26, 2014

Reasons Why You Need Professional Translation Services

Posted by admin
As businesses are increasingly crossing borders and operating in other parts of the…

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