Translation Blogs

Luo Yonghao: All the Odds Are in My Favor
September 9, 2014

Luo Yonghao: All the Odds Are in My Favor

Posted by admin
记者:你是一个教英语的老师,怎么会认为自己有能力做手机呢? Reporter: As an English teacher, how do you think you have the…
Jack Ma: “Football is round”
September 5, 2014

Jack Ma: “Football is round”

Posted by admin
“足球是圆的,跑动的是意志、体力,展示的是平时的训练和配合的艺术,但滚动的却是运气。” “Football is round. When players run on the field, they rely on…
Good News to Share: US Amazon Partners with SF Express in Direct Mail
September 3, 2014

Good News to Share: US Amazon Partners with SF Express in Direct Mail

Posted by admin
【TechWeb 报道】8 月 26 日消息,国内物流大佬有望成为美国亚马逊直邮中国的合作伙伴。据业内人士透露,除和上海自贸区、上海信投合作外,亚马逊方面也有意与国内快递物流企业展开合作。有消息称,由于顺丰已在跨境电商业务方面有重大布局,亚马逊可能会牵手顺丰开展从美国到中国的直邮业务。不过,目前亚马逊方面并未对上述消息进行表态。 [From TechWeb] According to news on August 26,…
Interesting Facts about the Korean Language
September 3, 2014

Interesting Facts about the Korean Language

Posted by admin
For those who are not Korean Language learners, the most possible opportunity to…
Human Translation versus Machine Translation
September 3, 2014

Human Translation versus Machine Translation

Posted by admin
Translation is usually defined as the act of transmitting the language of the…
Difference Between English and Russian Language
September 3, 2014

Difference Between English and Russian Language

Posted by admin
Russian is a Slavic language in the Indo-European family---- languages considered difficult for…

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