Translation Blogs

Apple Watch Brings Embarrassments
September 19, 2014

Apple Watch Brings Embarrassments

Posted by admin
Apple Watch 的发布,引得很多朋友吐槽“这不就是 nano 带个手表带么!”当所有人都在讨论到底谁会喜欢这东西,我来告诉你苹果公司的穿戴设备多么符合国情。 After the release of Apple Watch, many Apple…
The Inevitable Competition between Google and Amazon
September 17, 2014

The Inevitable Competition between Google and Amazon

Posted by admin
Google 和 Amazon 看似是两家基因完全不同的公司:Google 以广告为生; Amazon 则是一家电商。但是,商业世界中是没有明确的界限的,哪里有市场、哪里有利益,大家就会蜂拥而至,这在互联网巨头之间也不例外。当人们都在谈论 Google 和苹果之间的风格路径差异的时候,可能大家没有注意到, Amazon 正迅速成长起来,并已经成为了 Google 最强劲的竞争对手之一。…
History of Korean language
September 16, 2014

History of Korean language

Posted by admin
Korean is a major world language with an interesting phonology and unique writing…
History of a Russian Language
September 16, 2014

History of a Russian Language

Posted by admin
Russian is a Slavic language of the Indo-European family. It is spoken primarily…
SheTaxis: Offers Taxi Service for Women Only
September 15, 2014

SheTaxis: Offers Taxi Service for Women Only

Posted by admin
最近频发的单身女性遇害案引人关注,坐黑车是其中的主要原因之一。单上个月就发生了 2 起—8 月 20 日,重庆搭错车女学生遭司机杀害; 8 月 27 日,女大学生在济南火车站搭黑车被司机囚禁性虐 4 天。如何才能避免这样的事情发生呢?不少国家的创业者都想到了推出女性专用出租车的点子。而纽约的一家创业公司马上也要加入这一行列。 Recently,…
Camera and 3D Printer to Duplicate Master Keys
September 12, 2014

Camera and 3D Printer to Duplicate Master Keys

Posted by admin
当我们享受着 3D 打印带来的各种便利时,也要小心啦,还有很多掌握 3D 打印技术的“坏人 ” 们正垂涎三尺的看着你哦。 While we enjoy the convenience brought…

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