Translation Blogs

The Language of Weddings
October 24, 2014

The Language of Weddings

Posted by admin
(Bride’s Name), do you take (Groom’s Name) for your lawful wedded husband, to…
October 24, 2014

10 Mistakes English Speakers Make When Learning Spanish

Posted by admin
Making mistakes is a natural part of learning Spanish for a native English…
12 Common Challenges Spanish Speakers Have When Learning English
October 24, 2014

12 Common Challenges Spanish Speakers Have When Learning English

Posted by admin
English is a very complex language. There are various grammatical rules and tedious…
A Century-old Classical English Version of The Art of War Still Shines
October 22, 2014

A Century-old Classical English Version of The Art of War Still Shines

Posted by admin
走进大英博物馆,在数量众多的中国兵书中,《孙子兵法——世界最古老的军事著作》特别显眼 。博物馆工作人员自豪地对记者说,这本英译本出自该馆东方藏书手稿部助理部长莱昂内尔•贾尔斯之手,近一百年后的今天,这个译本仍然是较为流传的英译本之一。 When you step into the British Museum, you would see the…
How to be Happy !
October 7, 2014

How to be Happy !

Posted by AZ Aizaz
Everyone’s dream is to be happy in life, work and everything else he…
Jack Ma Rejects Rumors He’s Moving to Hong Kong
September 22, 2014

Jack Ma Rejects Rumors He’s Moving to Hong Kong

Posted by admin
前两天,马云与阿里团队在香港路演,随后香港有媒体称,马云在亚洲路演中透露,已通过投资移民落户香港,预计在2015年底就会正式成为香港永久居民。 Two days ago, Jack Ma and his team gave a roadshow in…

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