Translation Blogs

The Cost of Loyalty
October 29, 2014

The Cost of Loyalty

Posted by admin
在本地交通工具中,我们已经有了很多选择。比如,在纽约,我们有出租车、Lyft 和 Uber;在旧金山和 LA,我们有出租车、Sidecar、Lyft 和 Uber。 In the local transportation market, we now…
The Complete Works Of Shakespeare to be Translated into Mandarin   But What do the Brits Thinks?
October 29, 2014

The Complete Works Of Shakespeare to be Translated into Mandarin But What do the Brits Thinks?

Posted by admin
英国政府已决定要花150万英镑把莎翁的全部著作翻译成中文。皇家莎士比亚公司(英国一家大型剧院公司)将负责此项目的运转,为此,政府同时也资助他们来中国巡演。(大家可以开始存钱啦!)据称,该项目的目的是刺激旅游业及增强“文化纽带”。 The British Government has pledged £1.5 million to translate the complete works…
Scientists Invent “Invisibility Cloak”, being Invisible in Harry Potter Come Ture
October 29, 2014

Scientists Invent “Invisibility Cloak”, being Invisible in Harry Potter Come Ture

Posted by admin
让我们向纽约的科学家们脱帽致敬吧。他们用富于奇思妙想的头脑,通过日常的既有材料制造出了低成本的“隐身斗篷”效果。通过一个各种凸透镜组装起来的装置,在特定的视角下,任何物体都可以从观察者的眼前消失。 Hats off to scientists in New York, who have managed to produce…
Concerns from Silicon Valley – Who Has Achieved Success at Last?
October 29, 2014

Concerns from Silicon Valley – Who Has Achieved Success at Last?

Posted by admin
硅谷最著名的创业孵化器 Y Combinator (YC)曾给出了这么一个事实:从 YC 毕业的 511 家初创公司,在经过 5 年之后,只有 37 家公司被认定是“成功”的 。这里,YC…
Google releases Android 5.0 Developer Kit
October 29, 2014

Google releases Android 5.0 Developer Kit

Posted by admin
几天前的 10 月 15 号,Google 刚刚发布了代号 Lollipop(棒棒糖)的最新移动操作系统Android 5.0,随后不久Android 5.0 SDK 也正式发布了。 A few…
Business and Virtual World
October 26, 2014

Business and Virtual World

Posted by AZ Aizaz
Human has progressed so quick, if we look back at 2010 it will…

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