Translation Blogs

Japanese researchers reveal artificial intelligence software that can BEAT real pupils on university entrance exams
November 7, 2014

Japanese researchers reveal artificial intelligence software that can BEAT real pupils on university entrance exams

Posted by admin
日本研究人员透露,人工智能软件已经聪明到可以在高中考试中打败大部分真正的学生了。 Japanese researchers have revealed artificial intelligence software so smart it can beat…
End of the parking ticket? Smart windscreen sticker lets traffic wardens contact drivers to move their car
November 3, 2014

End of the parking ticket? Smart windscreen sticker lets traffic wardens contact drivers to move their car

Posted by admin
想必大家都感受过车刚停了几分钟就被贴上罚单或车被直接拖走的无奈。 You may have experienced the frustration of being slapped with a parking…
Will Taxi Apps Bring Us Smart Taxi?
November 3, 2014

Will Taxi Apps Bring Us Smart Taxi?

Posted by admin
随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的打车软件将可与社交网站和用户日历实现同步,以为乘客提供更加便捷且个人化的定制服务。智能出租车将崛起。 As taxi apps become smarter, experts predict they will sync with social…
Even Firing an Incompetent Translator Cannot Save the Galaxy
November 3, 2014

Even Firing an Incompetent Translator Cannot Save the Galaxy

Posted by admin
最近关于电影《银河护卫队》翻译的话题非常热络,很多人批评、吐槽影片中文字幕翻译者贾秀琰,称她几乎毁了这部科幻喜剧。一位网友更列出了80多处字幕问题。比如罗南对幕后大反派灭霸发怒时说的那句“You call me boy!!!”,字幕翻译成了“你叫我孩子!”语气和用词都显得无力,完全不能呈现出罗南拿到原石,终于可以扬眉吐气的意味,如果翻译成“你竟敢叫我小子?!”那种劲头就出来了。 Recently, there is a hot topic on the translation…
Sign Language Translator Helps Signers Entry into Society
November 3, 2014

Sign Language Translator Helps Signers Entry into Society

Posted by admin
许多聋哑人因为自身残疾无法和其他人进行交流,缺乏社会关注,甚至会造成心理问题。 Many deaf-mutes are unable to communicate with others as a result of…
IBM’s Rebirth from Purchasing Lufthansa’s IT Infrastructure Services
October 31, 2014

IBM’s Rebirth from Purchasing Lufthansa’s IT Infrastructure Services

Posted by admin
10月23日德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)表示,作为公司重组计划的一部分,将把旗下IT基础设施部门出售给IBM,其中包括服务外包协议。 CPU Channel, October 23:Lufthansa said today that they would sell it’s…

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