Translation Blogs

January 18, 2011


Posted by Saigao
多年前,刚步入社会,每天忙于找工作,一天又一天跑人才市场,投简历,一次又一次被无情地拒绝,失败。每天在等待中消沉,颓废。 某一天在街边的小书摊上看见一本旧书,就是《乐观的力量》,繁体字,台湾出版的,当时花了10块人民币买下它,具体内容已经记不清楚了,但里面有几句话一直鼓励着我,原话是这样的:尽管手头的事情一团糟,但只要你挽起衣袖动手处理,总能解决一点什么的,回过头来,尽管目前陷入困境,但总比过去要好一点点。这是一根救命稻草,激励着我每天都行动起来,找寻自己生活的目标。 直到今天,每遇到一件事情时,我总会豪不犹豫去尝试解决,不管结局会是怎样,只要你行动了,就能解决一些什么的。
January 18, 2011

Maori Language Translation

Posted by may
Introduction to Maori language Maori is the language of the Maori, the indigenous…
January 18, 2011

Swedish Language Translation Services

Posted by vivian
Swedish Translation Still stranded by the awful Swedish translation work? How to find…
January 18, 2011

Sotho Language translation service

Posted by nancy
Sotho translation service Have you ever heard Sotho language? Are you in need…
January 18, 2011

Professional Armenian Translation Services

Posted by peggie
CCJK is a professional translation agency with 10 years of translation experience which…
January 18, 2011

Lao Language Translation

Posted by liz
CCJK is a professional localization company that can provide all kinds of translation…

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