Translation Blogs

Learn Mandarin Well, You Can Go Anywhere!
November 20, 2014

Learn Mandarin Well, You Can Go Anywhere!

Posted by admin
【孔子曰,吾道一以贯之】 Confucius said the superior man puts all his energy into everything he…
Baidu Won Grand Award at 21th CIAF
November 14, 2014

Baidu Won Grand Award at 21th CIAF

Posted by admin
钱钟书有句名言流传甚广,“如果你觉得鸡蛋好吃,何必非要看看下蛋的老母鸡呢!”要不要看“老母鸡”,因人而异;能不能看到,其实是个技术问题。获得第21届中国国际广告节长城奖互动创意铜奖的“云端牧场”项目,解决的就是这一经典难题。 Qian Zhongshu has a well-known saying: ”If you like the taste of…
Lazy but productive Android Developer (Part-1)
November 13, 2014

Lazy but productive Android Developer (Part-1)

Posted by AZ Aizaz
Android has huge gaps but fortunately these are filled up by awesome open…
Globalization Drives Translator Boom
November 11, 2014

Globalization Drives Translator Boom

Posted by admin
全球化促使翻译员人数激增 Globalization Drives Translator Boom 在华盛顿—-翻译是一个高风险,交付期限短,客人要求多,充满危险的行业。任何一些交谈中的错误都可能会造成一次极大的财务损失甚至是亏空。这行中的一些人在战乱地区工作,而另一些人则在舒适的家中或者办公室中工作。 WASHINGTON — it is a high-stakes,multibillion-dollar industry…
Good News for Poor Students——Math APP: Take a Photo and Get the Answer
November 10, 2014

Good News for Poor Students——Math APP: Take a Photo and Get the Answer

Posted by admin
Microblink公司推出了一款新型智能手机应用PhotoMath, 能轻松帮助学生解决数学题——只要不是太复杂。只需要将手机的摄像头对准要计算的方程式,PhotoMath便会给出清晰的解题步骤。 A new smartphone app will do their math homework for them,…
November 7, 2014

The Translation Edition of Chinese Classic Won the Brazilian Book Award for the First Time

Posted by admin
巴西图书出版商会日前公布了第56届哈布蒂(Jabuti)图书奖获奖名单。由中国国家汉办资助、巴西圣保罗州立大学孔子学院组织出版的《中国唐代诗选》获翻译类二等奖,这也是中国经典翻译书籍首次在巴西获奖。 Brazilian Chamber of Books recently released the list of the 56thJabuti Book…

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