Translation Blogs

The Development of Artificial Intelligence——50% of Jobs Will Disappear
December 11, 2014

The Development of Artificial Intelligence——50% of Jobs Will Disappear

Posted by admin
从自动驾驶汽车到为老年人设计的看护机器人,长期以来,对于某些通常由人类完成的工作来说,技术的迅猛发展一直是一个潜在的威胁。 From self-driving cars to carebots for elderly people, rapid advances in technology…
Translation Agencies: Big Fish Or Small Fish?
December 11, 2014

Translation Agencies: Big Fish Or Small Fish?

Posted by Amna Mishal
The pond of translation can be mythical place to fish. Whatever document you…
Translation Evolution – Today, The Modern Times
December 10, 2014

Translation Evolution – Today, The Modern Times

Posted by Amna Mishal
In the previous two posts we briefly learned about the expansions in translation…
Translation Evolution – Middle Ages
December 9, 2014

Translation Evolution – Middle Ages

Posted by Amna Mishal
As outlined earlier in the previous post “Translation Evolution – Early Beginnings”, The…
New-Tech: WiFi Signal Can Treat a Disease
December 5, 2014

New-Tech: WiFi Signal Can Treat a Disease

Posted by admin
研究者已经开发了一种运用无线信号激活人体中电子植入物来消除细菌感染的方法。 Researchers have developed a method to activate electronic implants in the body…
Translation Evolution – Early Beginnings
December 5, 2014

Translation Evolution – Early Beginnings

Posted by Amna Mishal
Translation dates back to as long as when the first words were spoken…

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