Translation Blogs

February 28, 2011

Legal Translation Services

Posted by carl
CCJK Translation provides comprehensive and flexible language solutions for our clients’ business needs,…
February 28, 2011

Document Translation Services

Posted by carl
CCJK Translation provides comprehensive and flexible language solutions for our clients’ business needs,…
February 28, 2011

Technical Translation Services

Posted by carl
There is no doubt that “technical translation is important, for technical and commercial…
February 28, 2011

Brief introduction on Project Management (translation draft)

Posted by icy
项目管理简介 项目管理可追溯至19世纪后期,但现代意义上的项目管理始于60年代早期。对项目管理的需求主要源自围绕项目以实现组织工作收益和对各部门和各行业之间的交流协作的迫切需要。我们现在所知的第一个运用了项目管理的重大项目就是美国太空项目。现在,政府,军队和企业界均通过采用这一管理方法。项目管理的主要定义如下: 1) 项目管理并非小任务。 2) 项目管理有明确的开始和结束,不是一个连续性过程。 3) 项目管理使用各种工具衡量项目完成情况和追踪项目进展,比如工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structures),甘特图和 PERT 图。 4)…
February 28, 2011

Punctuation rule for Bahasa, Vietnamese and Thai

Posted by icy
Bahasa -Punctuation Generally punctuation conventions in Indonesian are identical to those in English,…
February 28, 2011

How to translate some diplomas

Posted by tracy
there are special format and standards to translate the Diplomas. Basically, the translatoion’s…

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