Translation Blogs

Why Chinese men are the most single in the world
December 17, 2014

Why Chinese men are the most single in the world

Posted by admin
光棍节——中国的反情人节,现在已经成为了盛大的电子商务盛会。在这一天,单身的人会给自己买礼物,或者从他们已经成双成对的朋友那里收到的礼物。然而,在中国的光棍节背后还有这复杂的社会学原因,这也对中国社会产生了巨大的影响。 Singles’ Day – the Chinese opposite of Valentines that’s turned into a…
The Amazing English Translation of Jay Chou’s Chinese Style Songs
December 16, 2014

The Amazing English Translation of Jay Chou’s Chinese Style Songs

Posted by admin
那些年,有一种青春叫“东风破”——你走之后,酒暖回忆思念瘦;有一种青春叫“发如雪”——繁华如三千东流水,我只取一瓢爱了解…… 看到这里已然泪流满面的亲们,你们暴露年龄啦!今天小编也怀旧一把,带大家一起来围观这些周董的中国风歌词与英文的唯美邂逅~ 《东风破》:酒暖回忆思念瘦 周董的《东风破》堪称中国风的典范,歌词曾令无数语文老师竞折腰。其中不仅有“一盏离愁,一壶漂泊”的经典暗喻,一句“酒暖回忆思念瘦”更令无数人想起“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”的苦情名句。而下面这位大神不仅把它翻成了英文,还保留了韵脚,麦霸K歌模式瞬间开启~ Are you looking for Chinese Translation? We are here…
Human Translation Is Here To Stay
December 16, 2014

Human Translation Is Here To Stay

Posted by Amna Mishal
Will Machine Translation Ever Beat Human Translation? It is so temptation when we…
The First Computer of Steve Jobs was auctioned for 365 Thousand US Dollars
December 15, 2014

The First Computer of Steve Jobs was auctioned for 365 Thousand US Dollars

Posted by admin
1976年的时候,史蒂夫乔布斯在他父母车库里把第一台苹果电脑以600美元的价格卖了出去。而在本周四,在佳士得拍卖行,这台电脑以36.5万美元的价格被拍走。 A fully operational Apple computer that company co-founder Steve Jobs sold out…
Translation Error: Lost in CHINESE Translation
December 12, 2014

Translation Error: Lost in CHINESE Translation

Posted by Amna Mishal
An erroneously translated sign will attract wrong kind of attention to the business…
Lazy but productive Android Developer (Part-3)
December 11, 2014

Lazy but productive Android Developer (Part-3)

Posted by AZ Aizaz
There is so much boilerplate code in Android Activity, so if there is…

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