Translation Blogs

March 6, 2011

WinAlign Operation Manual (PartⅠ)

Posted by icy
WinAlign is the component of SDL Trados and it is a tool which…
March 6, 2011


Posted by motta
1. Adobe eLearning Suite 2 Adobe eLearning Suite 2 软件是用于从头到尾创建专业电子教学内容的完整工具箱。借助 Adobe Captivate® 5…
March 4, 2011

The knack of using Korean font in Win 98 (Chinese version)

Posted by siina
Maybe you have collected many beautiful Korean font from your Korean friends, but…
March 4, 2011

Localization (one)

Posted by tracy
Nowadays, with the development of economy and culture communication, the term “Localization” has…
March 4, 2011


Posted by Benjamin
神曲《忐忑》的专业中文翻译 一曲神曲《忐忑》自2010年红遍大江南北,现在终于有了专业的中文翻译版本。龚丽娜生的一副肉体凡胎却怎生了得唱出无词之神曲,在她的“嗯、啊、唉、哟……”的激情唱腔和传神面部表情中,演绎了一曲“神马都是浮云”的传奇
Welcome to Shenzhen, welcome to China
March 4, 2011

Welcome to Shenzhen, welcome to China

Posted by nancy
The 26th Summer Universiade Games will be held in Shenzhen (China) from 12…

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