Translation Blogs

Application Localization: Think Globally, App Locally
December 22, 2014

Application Localization: Think Globally, App Locally

Posted by Amna Mishal
Mobile applications are launched daily, worldwide. Nearly every business, institution, industry is launching…
The Central Economic Working Conference: The Translation of a Load of New Words
December 19, 2014

The Central Economic Working Conference: The Translation of a Load of New Words

Posted by admin
中央经济工作会议(the Central Economic Work Conference)12月9日至11日在北京举行。作为宏观经济政策的风向标,中央经济工作会议会对今年经济形势作出总结,对明年经济工作进行定调,并对明年经济工作的主要任务作出部署。这也是“新常态”(new normal)思路提出后,召开的首次中央经济工作会议,未来经济政策和改革思路如何阐述和部署,意义重大。 新常态new normal 1.优化区域格局 Optimizingregional pattern One Belt…
The After 90s Should Remember These Words: the Life Experience of Our Parents.
December 19, 2014

The After 90s Should Remember These Words: the Life Experience of Our Parents.

Posted by admin
你知道得越多,做得越好。年轻的时候,很难把事情做得很好,因为你知道得不够多。要想知道到底什么最适合自己,就需要多年不同的经验积累和不断地从错误中学习。这就是为什么人们总是说,越老越智慧。智慧往往需要经过时间的积淀。 When you know more, you do better. When you’re young, it’s hard…
The Fashion of Long Johns
December 18, 2014

The Fashion of Long Johns

Posted by admin
秋裤的确有很好的保暖作用,但对大多数人而言,它们属于祖辈,或者更确切的说,它们是时尚大忌。 2008年时,时尚杂志《时尚芭莎》中国版主编苏芒曾表示穿秋裤有损时尚。 她在一档由陈鲁豫主持的谈话节目中表示:“我从不允许自己周围的人穿秋裤。” 但从去年开始,这些有关秋裤的话题似乎发生了转变。 Sure long johns do a good job keeping people…
Fast turnaround time…it’s no joke!
December 18, 2014

Fast turnaround time…it’s no joke!

Posted by Amna Mishal
Is it a farce? You might think so if you believe that the…
Language: Ultimate Communication Lifeline
December 17, 2014

Language: Ultimate Communication Lifeline

Posted by Amna Mishal
Nothing I said calmed her down till I told her “they used signs…

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