Translation Blogs

March 31, 2011

如何翻译 GUI 界面文件 (三)

Posted by ben
如何翻译 GUI 界面文件 (三) 九. 产品名称的翻译 1. 公司名称、产品名称和商标的翻译涉及到法律责任,客户一般都会提供具体的处理意见,请遵循客户指示。如果客户没有提供处理意见,除非是特别常见、广为人知的公司、产品或商标可以翻译为中文外,其余均应保留英文,不加翻译。具体情况,请咨询项目经理或客户。 2. 项目中出现其它公司的名称、产品或商标,一般不提供翻译,具体情况,请咨询项目经理。 3. 一种特殊产品的翻译: 格式:产品…
March 31, 2011

Qingming (Tomb sweeping) Festival

Posted by linda
Qingming festival, or tomb sweeping festival that is aimed to honor the dead,…
March 31, 2011

About Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese

Posted by penny
Simplified Chinese characters (Simplified Chinese) are standardized Chinese characters used in Mainland, after…
March 31, 2011

My Experiences About Translating

Posted by felicity
Being a translator for more than half a year, I know there is…
March 31, 2011

WinAlign Operation Manual (Part Ⅱ)

Posted by icy
2. Save project setting Click “OK” once the above setting is finished, then…
March 31, 2011

Sieres of Chinese People’ View on US’ History

Posted by carl
To begin with, the USA is the most developed and typical capitalist country…

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