Translation Blogs

May 16, 2011

You Will Never See How Much We Can Attend Your Needs of Financial/business/economic translations

Posted by vivian
Economic/business/Financial Translation Vocabulary acquiring company 收购公司 bad loan 呆帐 chart of cash flow…
May 16, 2011

A Kaleidoscope of Chinese Culture-Part Ⅱ

Posted by joanna
At the Forbidden City, dragon decorations are everywhere, to the point where nobody…
May 16, 2011

“Addicted to consumption” Includes “Dependent consumption” & “Essential consumption”

Posted by alex
“Addicted to consumption” Includes “Dependent consumption” & “Essential consumption” ——Supplement of Li Jian…
May 16, 2011

Investing in Top-Five Way

Posted by alex
最好的投资是“五消”型投资 ——关于从行业角度严格选股 李 剑 1. 消费独占(有顶尖的品牌); 2. 快速消费(有重复的需求); 3. 大众消费(有广阔的市场); 4. 奢侈消费(有提价能力); 5.…
May 16, 2011


Posted by ruby
首先:拿到的Framemaker 文件,进行文件转换 转换步骤如下: 一、文件转换(FM—MIF—RTF) 第一步:将*. fm文件 转换成*. mif文件。 ①.打开*. fm文件,点击Format|document|Change Bars ②.对Change Bars…
May 16, 2011


Posted by simon
一、检测浏览器的名称 问题: 不同的浏览器对JavaScript的标准支持也有不同,有时希望脚本能够在不同的浏览器上都能运行良好,这时需要对浏览器进行检测,确定其名称,以针对不同的浏览器编写相应的脚本。 解决方案: 使用navigator对象的appName属性。 比如,要检测浏览器是否为IE,可以这么做: var isIE = (navigator.appName == “Microsoft Internet…

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