Translation Blogs

May 31, 2011

社保转移的办理( 非深圳户籍)

Posted by lily
上周有朋友要离开深圳,咨询我关于转移社保的相关事宜,因为没有办理过,所以查找了相关网站,现在把找到资料分享下,希望可以对大家以后有帮助。 跨省就业人员申请基本养老保险跨省转移(非深圳户籍) 一、法规依据: 《城镇企业职工基本养老保险关系转移接续暂行办法》(国办发【2009】66号) 二、办理条件: 参保人员跨省流动就业 三、需提供的材料: 1、身份证复印件(验原件) 2、社会保障卡原件 3、《深圳市企业参保人员跨省就业基本养老保险缴费凭证申请表》或单位离职跨省转移证明 四、办理转移部门: 1、特区内参保人到个人服务中心(福田区八卦二路513栋)办理 2、特区外宝安、龙岗参保人到单位参保所在的社保机构(包括分局和社保管理站)办理…
May 31, 2011


Posted by sophie
May 31, 2011

Translation of Figurative Expressions in Medical Text

Posted by felicity
In medical texts figurative expressions are dominantly used for the referential purpose, and…
May 31, 2011

Introduction of Korean characters(二)

Posted by siina
Korean is one kind of phonetic languages, which is made up by basic…
May 31, 2011

Introduction of Korean(一)

Posted by siina
Korean (한국어) is the official language of South Korea (한국어). Number of the…
May 31, 2011


Posted by june
1.不怕慢,只怕站。 Do not fear going slow, only fear standing still. 2.化干戈于玉帛 Beat swords…

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