Translation Blogs

May 31, 2011

How to successfully manage a multilingual localization project (3)

Posted by alan
To produce a high quality work widely accepted by the end users, it…
May 31, 2011


Posted by simon
关于css盒模型的解说在网上到处都有详细的讲解,相信大家都有所了解了吧。今天借着与同事一起讨论关于css的一些难点问题,最后发现还是对css的核心了解的不是很透彻。借此雅兴重新谈谈css盒模型究竟是个什么玩意。 请看图(1): Margin Padding Content (图1) (图1)是通过CSS的background,padding,margin,color,border,text-align,width,height等属性进行样式化后得到的一个类似与css盒模型的表示图。 以下代码是图1部分的css样式表: [code lang=”css”] .out-div { color:…
May 31, 2011

How to successfully manage a multilingual localization project (2)

Posted by alan
Consistency plays a critical role in a success localization project, especially when the…
May 31, 2011


Posted by simon
相信大家都知道,javascript中变量作用域只有两种,全局作用域与函数中的局部 作用域(有人认为不同script节点间也存在一种作用域,称之为段作用域,理由是在后面的script的节点中定义的变量,在这个script节点没有 被解析之前,前面的script节点是不能访问这个变量的,这种依赖于代码解析顺序的特殊情况,不在我们这篇文章的讨论之列)。 比如下面的代码: var a = 1; function f(b){ var c =…
May 31, 2011

How to successfully manage a multilingual localization project (1)

Posted by alan
As one of the leading players in the localization world, CCJK has ten…
May 31, 2011

Introduction to Multiterm

Posted by annie
Multiterm is probably the most powerful terminology tool there is, it is also,…

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