Translation Blogs

June 20, 2011

The importance, preparation and techniques of calling clients

Posted by victor
In my previous blog I discussed the importance of email marketing. Today I…
June 20, 2011

Ways to be a professional RM (II)

Posted by anita
More Important Tasks Come First Sometimes I may have several tasks to do…
June 17, 2011

The Meaning of Color Ⅴ

Posted by susanna
Green stands for somewhat contradictory meanings. On the hand, it is a symbol…
June 17, 2011

The Meaning of Color Ⅳ

Posted by susanna
In many cultures, white is a symbol of purity, brightness, frankness and elegance.…
June 17, 2011

Medical English Translation Skills(1):Omission

Posted by jane
As a medical English major, I had collected a lot of materials related…
June 17, 2011


Posted by carl
前段时间验证了google对微博内容的收录几乎是即时的,今天发现微博内容也能在google中排名很好,不需要任何SEO手段就能排名首页,这不正是SEO梦寐以求追求的效果吗。 看图: 刘强东10:22和11:28分别在新浪和腾讯发了同一条微博。这条微博涉及到的内容关键词有:VIE结构,互联网企业 VIE结构, 上市 VIE结构, 未上市 VIE结构,京东商城 VIE结构。通过搜索全文字段我们看到这两条微博都几乎被即时收录,那么里面的关键词排名如何呢。 我们来搜索”VIE结构”,<“VIE结构”在第2页,排名13,显示内容源为腾讯微博,新浪微博上无排名。 再搜索“什么是VIE结构” “什么是VIE结构”排名首页第8个位置,内容源为腾讯微博,同样没发现新浪微博有排名。 其他的词:互联网企业…

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