Translation Blogs

July 14, 2011

Culture-Festival translation

Posted by joanna
To get a better translation, a translator should be familiar with the culture…
Ten Practical Tips for Successful Sales-1
July 14, 2011

Ten Practical Tips for Successful Sales-1

Posted by june
Sales is a professional which make you success through communication 1. Prepare an…
July 14, 2011


Posted by Amy.Chen
最近,最新的个人所得税税法修订已经尘埃落定。按照最新的个税法规规定,从2011年9月1日起,工资,薪金个人所得税税前扣除费用标准从每月2000元提高至每月3500元。 个税的税率也由原来的9级税率修改为7级税率。 以下是最新个税的税率表 2011年最新个税扣除表 级数 全月应纳税所得额(元) 税率(%) 速算扣除数(元) 1 <1500 3 0 2…
Paragraph Structure
July 14, 2011

Paragraph Structure

Posted by anita
Paragraph development, continuity and emphasisare always connected with paragraph structure!
July 14, 2011

Some Terms about Universiade

Posted by jane
What is the hotest topic recently? Yes! It is Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade.…
July 14, 2011

CCJK members attend a meeting in HK

Posted by tina
8th, July, 2011, CCJK news – Two members of Language Department, Tina Xu…

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